Promoting Mental Health and Well-being in the Workplace: Best Practices and Experiences from Guatemala

2023-08-24 03:32:46

Guatemala. With the aim of sharing what are the best practices and experiences focused on mental health care and well-being in the workplace, from Human Resources and Talent Management, Avon held the panel: “Mental health and well-being in the workplace work and its contribution to talent retention”.

The activity was attended by the psychologist Jaquelline Pascual, as well as representatives of the following companies: Jonathan Flores, from PepsiCo; Carlos Lone, from Microsoft. In addition, Andrea Contreras, from CMI Alimentos; Constanza Tarud, from TELUS International Guatemala. On behalf of Avon, Pedro Campanella and Mario Flores were present. The journalist Paola Hurtado moderated.

It is estimated that around 12 billion working days are lost each year due to depression and anxiety, costing the world economy almost a trillion dollars, according to figures from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Labor Organization (ILO).

pleasant environments

In this regard, Pedro Campanella, senior manager of Human Resources for Avon Central America and the Dominican Republic commented: “At Avon we work preventively. We promote self-care so that each person has the ability to take care of their integral health and their well-being, so that they can discover what their healthy habits are, which have a positive impact on their health ”.

For his part, Jonathan Flores, CHRO for PepsiCo in Central America and the Caribbean, mentions that “the company has the objective of being nothing more and nothing less than the best place to work and to belong. To achieve this, we promote a close and service leadership that puts the integral well-being and development of collaborators at the center. And an organizational culture of constant learning, recognition and support, which allows people to adapt to current challenges and be better and happier every day”.

“Mental health is built from a person’s ability to face and manage internal and external factors that are presented to him during his life. However, the permanence over time of this mental health may be favored by well-being enhancers and incentives, such as: the establishment of significant interpersonal relationships, feeling productive and valued, as well as personal and physical security. If within the organizations we are contributing to these well-being enhancers, it is undeniable that we are favoring the mental health of our collaborators”, assured Andrea Contreras, CMI Alimentos Human Resources Analyst.

TELUS International Guatemala, a BPO with more than 12,000 employees, was represented by Constanza Tarud Godoy, Director of Human Resources. Constanza explained that they promote the comprehensive health and resilience of their employees, and have invested in facilities and initiatives dedicated to the well-being of their employees with spaces dedicated to recreation, relaxation, creativity, and services focused on physical, mental, financial, and social health. .

It is a company that has stood out especially for its extraordinary organizational culture, motivating its employees with its wellness, recognition, development, benefits and facilities programs that show that at TELUS International it really is #itsdifferent.

Affect multiple factors

As a psychologist with experience in Human Talent Management, Jaquelline Pascual referred to the importance of attending to mental health. “The workload, the pace of work, the ambiguity in job functions, work schedules, lack of communication, interpersonal relationships, the environment and the teams, are factors that affect it,” she highlighted.

He mentioned that employers must be receptive to the needs of employees, respect working hours, facilitate spaces for dispersion and carry out mental health awareness campaigns.

The five panelists from the invited companies agreed that there is a correlation between the well-being of employees and their positive impact on productivity. They recognized that companies face a mental health crisis that they must attack and prioritize for the benefit of all.

And it is that safe and healthy work environments are not only a fundamental right, but are also more likely to minimize tension and conflicts. They improve staff loyalty, as well as performance and productivity.

Lastly, Avon emphasized that this type of initiative, through programs, strategies, policies and actions, makes it possible to guarantee the well-being of companies’ most valuable resource: people. She demonstrates this by carrying out activities such as this panel, which was aimed at collaborators and managers in the area of ​​human resources and talent management, as well as the media.

Fountain. Avon

Further Reading


Avon launches a call to support projects focused on beating breast cancer and reducing gender violence
#Renowned #companies #share #practices #mental #health #wellbeing #work #hand #hand #Avon



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