Promoting Local, Quality, Organic Vegetables: A Successful Municipal-Market Gardener Partnership

2023-11-12 04:10:00

It was to take stock of the first market gardening season that the municipal elected officials came, on Thursday, November 2 followingnoon, to meet the market gardener that they helped to set up a year ago.

Mayor Marc Bories, accompanied by Bruno Védrine, deputy, and Guy Girbal, elected officials in charge of the markets, visited the market gardening plot, attentive to the explanations of the market gardener, Étienne Hérault, who presented the installations: 3 tunnels, open gardens fields, irrigation system, etc. All this on the municipal plot rented since October 2022. Everyone noted that, one year following installation and with a season of hindsight, the results are positive. Organic farming production was good, local vegetables were very well received by the Marmots. “The lights are green. The installation, desired by the municipality, makes it possible to promote this plot and offer local, quality, organic vegetables,” confirms Marc Bories.

For the market gardener, following this first very satisfactory season, the objectives for 2024 are to finalize the production tool and put the entire surface under cultivation in order to offer healthy and tasty vegetables to market and basket customers. After initial support from the town hall, the objective is to ultimately find an economic and organizational balance to make the farm operate sustainably. Even though there is still work to be done, activity seems to be on track.

In short, for everyone, a successful partnership to last.

#Saint #Geniez #dOlt #Aubrac #Marmotte #vegetables #conclusive #assessment #season



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