Promoting Dental Wellness for Those Affected by Dementia

September 12, 2024

An English study confirms that neglected oral health of the elderly worsens the quality of life and health. SIOH hopes for more attention to these fragile patients

There is increasing evidence of the role of oral health on general health, as he reminds us the Ministry of Health in the definition of the Essential Levels of Assistance (LEA) describing the public dental care guaranteed in particular in developmental age and in all people in a state of health and/or social vulnerability. The document also emphasizes health vulnerability by classifying it based on the presence of the descending and/or ascending criterion, the fact that an oral pathology can worsen the underlying morbidity and how the pathology in other districts can impact oral health.
All this is even more relevant in the physiological process of aging, especially in the frail elderly with comorbidities.. In the current context of high life expectancy, maintaining a good level of oral health therefore becomes very important. for the quality of life of the elderly.

The recent article on people with dementia reminds us of this:Mounth and dental care for people with dementia often overlooked, study finds”. The study conducted in England by the University of Portsmouth shows how the Oral health of older adults with dementia is often overlooked by home care services. Analyzing the “Care Act” for people with dementia who live at home and are cared for by family members and/or paid services, it was found that oral hygiene was not always present in the care plans and consequently this aspect of personal hygiene could be forgotten or not recorded. The project manager, Dr. Dia Soilemez he stated: “Good oral and dental care is important for people with dementia living at home because they are at higher risk of dental disease and may have difficulty reporting pain or discomfort. Poor oral health not only affects physical health, but also impacts self-esteem, dignity, nutrition and quality of life, so it needs to be taken seriously.“.

From interviews with the caregiverhome care workers and their managers have emerged The challenges of maintaining oral health at home: the factors related to the person with dementia and the problems that many care agencies face (high staff turnover, limited time, lack of training, misunderstanding of roles and poor communication). The research team contributed to develop some checklists free for local social services and home care providers to promote oral and dental care. Dr Soilemezi further explained: “Unlike care homes, few people working in home care receive oral health support and training, despite its importance for people with dementia…”.

In light of the current orientation in Italy towards community and proximity healthcare and welfare (PNRR and DM 77), the inclusion of oral pathologies in the National Prevention Plan 2020-2025of the formative contribution of scientific associations come la SIOHof the contribution of private healthcare, It is desirable that oral health can be increasingly guaranteed even in the most vulnerable people such as those with dementia whether they live at home or in institutions, for example by educating caregivers on oral health with free courses.

By: Dr. Tony Nespoli, Socio SIOH, Internal outpatient specialist Dentist at health districts and prisons

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