2024-02-01 09:34:00
Nearly one in three men and one in four women will develop cancer before the age of 75, recalls the Foundation. And these numbers are increasing. Nearly 75,000 new cases are diagnosed each year. In 2030, this number might rise to 83,500, according to the Belgian Cancer Registry.
Currently, thanks to advances in scientific research and early diagnosis, nearly 70% of sick people are still alive 5 years following their diagnosis.
Today, the Cancer Foundation sets itself the objective of promoting an accelerated increase in the survival rate, by supporting even more research. With the aim of increasing the survival rate by 10% by 2040. In order to achieve this goal, it will devote 35 million euros to research this year, or 10 million more than in 2022.
In 2022, the Cancer Foundation published a first Belgian Cancer Barometer which demonstrated, it believes, the need for a new National Cancer Plan. In this anniversary year, the Foundation intends to put pressure once more on public authorities on this subject.
The Belgian National Cancer League was founded in 1924 by doctors Antoine Depage and Adrien Bayet, surgeon and radiotherapist respectively, under the patronage of Queen Elisabeth. The league would later become the Cancer Foundation.
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