Promoting Brain Health: The Future of Neurodegenerative Disease Prevention and Treatment in Canada

2023-12-06 23:52:57

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The Lucilab program offers, among other things, a support service from healthy lifestyle advisors. PHOTO: iStockPublished December 6, 2023

By 2030, researchers predict that approximately 1 million people in Canada will be living with Alzheimer’s disease or another neurocognitive disorder. More than 25 different diseases and health conditions can cause neurocognitive disorders. Dr. Isabelle Lussier, director of research at Lucilab, an online platform where researchers promote healthy lifestyle habits with the aim of preventing neurodegenerative diseases, talks about it.

Promoting brain health is not something that has been very popular in recent years, she says.

However, Dr. Isabelle Lussier remains optimistic. Science is advancing in every way. We have more and more knowledge about modifiable risk factors, what we can do to prevent [les maladies neurodégénératives]. There is also a lot of research into treatments, so there is hope.

A Lucilab team is currently in the west to partner with RésoSanté Colombie-Britannique and Community Health Partnership (PCS) in Yukon, with the aim of better serving the French-speaking populations here.

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