Promotes heart health.. The importance of using vitamin B1 for children

Mothers ask what is the importance of vitamin B1 for children and what are the symptoms of its deficiency, as mothers always take care of the health of their children to maintain their proper growth and protect them from diseases, and given the vital and important role of vitamins for the body, let us get to know one of these vitamins, which is B1 through this article.

Vitamin B1

Vitamin B1 is also called thiamine and is found in many foods such as yeast, legumes, nuts, and meat. Thiamine is taken when a deficiency in its levels is detected in the body, such as in the case of nerve infections associated with pellagra. Thiamine can also be used to contribute to resolving digestive problems. Such as loss of appetite, as well as persistent diarrhea. Thiamine is also used to treat AIDS, boost the immune system, heart disease, signs of aging, vision problems such as cataracts, and to enhance athletic performance. Thiamine can also be used to improve learning abilities, increase energy level, prevent tiredness and stress and enhance memory.

The importance of vitamin B1 for children

Vitamins are among the basic elements that children need for body building, proper growth, protection against diseases, and other benefits. The amount of different nutrients that children need depends on their age, gender, growth level, and activity levels. Children need a certain amount of vitamins for proper growth, but the amount required varies according to age, and there is some research that has proven that children between 2 and 8 years need 100-1000 calories every day, while children between 9 and 13 years need 1400-2600 calories each day. Also, vitamin B1 is one of the vitamins responsible for energy production in children’s bodies, and the daily need for children of this vitamin is about 500-900 micrograms. Benefits of vitamin B1 for children include:

  • Vitamin B1 protects the nervous system of children from any kind of damage.
  • Vitamin B1 is important for converting sugars and carbohydrates into energy.
  • Vitamin B1 is important for transmitting nerve messages from the brain to the various body systems.
  • nut.
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Roasted soybeans.
  • fish.
  • Green beans and peas.

NB; Vitamin B1 is temperature sensitive, so cooking or freezing food will also affect the amount and value of vitamin B1 in the food.

Symptoms of vitamin B deficiency in children

Following are the symptoms of vitamin B deficiency in children:

  • Inadequate levels can cause anxiety, irritability, and fatigue in children.
  • It may also cause diarrhoea, dermatitis, weakness, nausea and abdominal pain in children.
  • Its deficiency can also cause depression, anxiety, and poor concentration in children.
  • It can lead to fatigue and digestive disorders in children.
  • Vitamin B deficiency can lead to defects in newborns during pregnancy.
  • Inadequate levels can cause abnormal skin rashes in babies.
  • Vitamin B deficiency in children can affect the nervous system, leading to symptoms such as tingling sensations and numbness.
  • Vitamin B deficiency in children can lead to anemia and growth retardation.
  • It can lead to stunted growth, poor blood formation, and muscle weakness.

    And after you know the importance of vitamin B1 for children, you must maintain a healthy, healthy diet for the child, and follow up with the doctor when any of the symptoms appear.

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