Prominent role of the Royal Navy at the World Port Days Rotterdam | News item

News item | 06-09-2024 | 14:19

The World Port Days in Rotterdam have started. The Royal Netherlands Navy will also play a prominent role in this 47th edition. Visitors will have the opportunity to take a look at naval vessels and participate in military activities. This is possible until Sunday.

Enlarge image Demonstration with armed marines during the World Port Days 2023.

The World Port Days promise to be a spectacular and educational event. Among others, the naval vessels Zr.Ms. Johan de Witt and Zr.Ms. Schiedam will moor at the Parkkade in Rotterdam. Guided tours on board offer visitors a glimpse into the operational world of the ship and its crew. On the quay, all disciplines and armaments of the Marine Corps can be viewed.

The navy is also well represented on the Maas. With spectacular demonstrations, the navy shows its versatility and readiness. For example, an anti-terrorist demonstration is on the program and marines take action to free the crew of a hijacked ship. An NH90 helicopter also flies low over the water to launch practice torpedoes. And then there are parachutists from the Defense Para School. They take a refreshing dip after a descent from a great height.

Collaboration and innovation

The participation of the Royal Netherlands Navy in the World Port Days underlines the close bond with Rotterdam and the cooperation with other (maritime) partners. During the event, innovations in the field of maritime technology are presented by various partners and participants of the days. The participating organizations vary from government institutions to commercial parties.

Working at Defense

Finally, there is a special team of recruiters is present in Rotterdam to inform interested parties about career opportunities within the Royal Navy.

More information about the World Port Days

Visit the official website of the event for more information and the full programme of the World Port Days 2024.



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