Project Q: Ubisoft’s Fortnite leaves gameplay lying around

Highlighted by many rumors, the next multiplayer game from Ubisoft has leaked gameplay on the web.

First discovered by Eurogamer, then very recently again teased by Tom Henderson’s Sources, Project Q would be one of the many multiplayer titles currently in development at Ubisoft and its gameplay would have ended up on the web.

A Fortnite-like by Ubisoft?

Project Q presents itself as a multiplayer game where players must happily put themselves on the face in an artistically directed software frankly very close to that of Fortnitemaybe even too much.

The game would only be at the beginning of its development and would offer as is several game modes including a deathmatch classic arena, as well asan 8-player Battle Royale only.

Project Q would currently be developed by Ubisoft Bordeaux and would enter an alpha testing phase. A way for developers to take the temperature with players and compare their ideas.

It is moreover from one of these sessions that leaked a half-blurred gameplay sequencewhich you can find by clicking hereconfirming the visual similarity of Project Q with Fortnite. The resemblance does not stop there since the overall atmosphere is very reminiscent of the Epic Games title, as is part of the sound design, although the software only takes place in small arenas.

Decidedly, between this Project Q, XDefiant, The Division Heartlandthe next Ghost Recon: Frontline et Pathfindera TPS inspired byHyper Scapewe love multiplayer games at Ubisoft.

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