Project management contract for the rehabilitation and energy renovation of 46 housing units

Section I: Identification of the buyer
Full name of buyer: Sem Reims Habitat
Type of National Identification Number: SIRET
N° National d’identification : 90271899800013
City: Reims
Code Postal : 51100
Grouping of orders: No
Section 2 : Communication
Direct link to the consultation documents:

Internal ID of the consultation: 2024-MoeFollePeine
Completeness of documents on the buyer profile: Yes
Use of non-commonly available means of communication: No
Contact name: Reims habitat Purchasing Markets Department
Contact phone number: +33 326486230
Section 3: Procedure

Type of procedure: Open adapted procedure

Conditions de participation :
Ability to carry out the professional activity – conditions / means of proof: – Form Dc1, Application letter _ Authorization of the agent by his co-contractors.
(available at the following address:
– Form Dc2, Declaration of the individual candidate or member of the group.
(available at the following address:
– Copy of the judgment(s) issued, if the candidate is in receivership.
– If the beneficiary is established in France, the certificates and attestations issued by the competent administrations and bodies proving that it has satisfied its tax and social obligations or an annual statement of the certificates received
– If the candidate is established in France, a declaration on the candidate’s honour justifying that the work is carried out by employees regularly employed in accordance with Articles L. 1221-10, L. 3243-2 and R. 3243-1 of the Labour Code (in the case where the candidate employs employees, in accordance with Article D. 8222-5-3° of the Labour Code)
– Declaration on the candidate’s honour certifying that he is in good standing, during the year preceding the year in which the consultation is launched, with regard to Articles L. 5212-1, L. 5212-2, L. 5212-5 and L. 5212-9 of the Labour Code, concerning the employment of disabled workers
– The documents provided for in articles D. 8222-5 or D. 8222-7 and D. 8222-8 of the labor code
– If the candidate is established or domiciled abroad, a declaration on the candidate’s honour certifying that he provides his employees with pay slips containing the information provided for in Article R. 3243-1 of the Labour Code, or equivalent documents
Economic and financial capacity – conditions / means of proof: – Appropriate declaration from banks or proof of insurance for professional risks.
– Declaration concerning the overall turnover and the turnover concerning the supplies, services or works covered by the contract, carried out over the last three available financial years.
– Form Dc4, Subcontracting Declaration.
(available at the following address:
Technical and professional skills – conditions / means of proof: – Professional qualification certificates.
Proof of the candidate’s capacity may be provided by any means, in particular by professional identity certificates or work references attesting to the competence of the economic operator to carry out the service for which he is applying.
– Presentation of a list of the main supplies or services carried out over the last three years, indicating the amount, date and public or private recipient.
– Declaration indicating the tools, materials and technical equipment which the candidate has available for carrying out contracts of the same nature.
– Indication of the educational and professional qualifications of the economic operator
– Statement indicating the candidate’s average annual workforce and the size of the management staff for each of the last three years
Purchasing technique: Not applicable
Deadline for receipt of bids: September 25, 2024 12:00
Presentation of offers by electronic catalog: prohibited
Reduction in the number of candidates: No
Possibility of allocation without negotiation: Yes
Buyer requires presentation of variants: No
Award criteria: Technical value: 60%
Price of services: 40%
Section 4: Market Identification
Contract title: 2024 – Project management contract for the rehabilitation and energy renovation of 46 housing units – Rue Folle Peine in Reims (51100)
Code CPV principal
Main descriptor: 71240000
Market type: Services
Brief description of the contract: The details of the tasks assigned to the holder appear in the specifications.
The services are regulated by fixed prices.
Project management contract for the rehabilitation and energy renovation of two buildings with 46 dwellings:
7A to 7D, rue Folle Peine in Reims (51100).
This project includes 46 housing units spread over 2 buildings with 2 entrances each:
– 7A, Rue Folle Peine, entrance to 11 dwellings
– 7B, Rue Folle Peine, entrance to 11 apartments
– 7C, Rue Folle Peine, entrance to 12 apartments
– 7D, Rue Folle Peine, entrance to 12 apartments
Descriptive words: Project management,
Main place of execution of the contract: 7 A to 7D rue Folle Peine 51100 – Reims
Duration of the contract (in months): 12
The consultation includes tranches: no
The consultation provides for a reservation of all or part of the market: No
Alloti markets: No
Section 6: Additional Information
Mandatory visit: Yes
Details of the visit (if yes): A site visit (optional but recommended) will allow candidate teams to understand the places and spaces to be renovated.
Please send your registration requests to Nicolas Marache: [email protected]

Other additional information: The project management team must be represented by a multidisciplinary team, in the form of a joint group, and must be made up of:
– an architect registered with the Order (group representative);
– one or more design offices bringing together the following skills: thermal, structural, acoustic.
With the exception of the representative, candidates can apply in several groups
Date of dispatch of this notice: 08/20/2024



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