“Prohibition of TikTok business, etc.” Montana state legislature passes bill | NHK | TikTok

On the 14th, the Congress of the state of Montana in the western United States voted on a bill prohibiting the business operation of “TikTok” in the state and the provision of app downloads, and passed it with a majority.

The bill says TikTok violates privacy by collecting sensitive information from its users, accessing that information once morest their will, and sharing it with the Chinese Communist Party.

In addition, while penalties will not be applied to TikTok users, businesses that violate the law will be fined $10,000 for each violation, or more than 1.3 million yen in Japanese yen.

If the governor signs it into law, it will go into effect in January next year.

Regarding TikTok, there is a growing movement in Europe and the United States to ban the use of business terminals by employees of governments and related institutions, but the American media said that this is the first time that a state has banned such a bill. I’m telling you, it might affect other states as well.

TikTok commented that it will continue to fight for Montana users and others whose rights are threatened by government overreach.

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