Prohibition and other restrictions due to the presidential elections: when do these measures come into effect?

  • The ministers for Defense and Interior and Justice signed the joint resolution, which also includes the prohibition of carrying weapons | Main photo: courtesy

Vladimir Padrino López, Minister of Defense, and Remigio Ceballos, Minister of Interior and Justice, issued a joint resolution on the entry into force and duration of the Prohibition Law in Venezuela in view of the presidential elections of July 28, 2024.

The decree also establishes restrictions on the carrying of weapons and the closure of Venezuelan borders during the voting process.

Photo: courtesy

When does Prohibition go into effect?

Article 3 of the Joint Resolution indicates that the sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages throughout the national territory will be suspended from 12:01 a.m. on Friday, July 26 until 11:59 p.m. on Monday, July 29, 2024. Article 130 of the Organic Law of Electoral Processes supports this decree.

“All police forces and other public safety agencies must immediately close down establishments and businesses that fail to comply with this article,” the resolution reads.

In addition, the competent institutions will be notified of the violation in order to determine civil, criminal and administrative responsibilities.

Regarding the suspension of the carrying of firearms and knives, this will continue during the hours mentioned above.

Likewise, the control of the border movement of people will be in charge of the Strategic Operational Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (FANB).

“In order to safeguard the infeasibility of the borders and prevent activities by persons who might represent threats to the security of Venezuela on the occasion of the presidential elections on July 28,” the document states.

What does the law say?

Every time elections are held in Venezuela, articles 129, 130 and 131 of the Organic Law on Electoral Processes must be enforced.

Article 129: Election day shall be held without disturbing public order. No person may attend the voting process armed, even if they are authorized to carry weapons, except for the members of the Plan República in compliance with their duty to ensure the safety of the voters and the Electoral Board and the order of the voting process in general.

Article 130: The sale and distribution of alcoholic beverages is prohibited 24 hours prior to and following voting.

Article 131: The holding of public meetings and shows is prohibited 24 hours before and following the voting act.

Other activities prohibited by Prohibition

From July 26 to 29, public demonstrations, gatherings of people and any other similar act that may disrupt or affect the electoral process are prohibited.

The movement, transportation, employment or operation of heavy machinery is also prohibited throughout the national territory, such as: bulldozers, backhoes, tractors, wrecking balls, motor scrapers, excavator shovels, draglines, skid steers, front loaders, trenchers, hydromills, mechanical hammers, pallets, concrete mixers, concrete, rock trucks, dump trucks, bulldozers, crowbars, dredgers, among others.

The exception to this is when circumstances or contingencies arise caused by natural phenomena, which may affect the circulation, connectivity and mobility of people.

Article 6 of the Prohibition Law prohibits the sale and distribution of pyrotechnic articles and solid fuel lifting devices throughout Venezuela.

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2024-07-22 05:33:55



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