Progressive retirement: here are all the conditions to benefit from it!

If you did not know, know that a device called progressive retirement exists in France. This is a device made for an insured person with the legal retirement age (or almost). With this him you can perceive a fraction of your pension of retirement. By receiving it, the insured continues to carry out one or more part-time activities. Here’s what you need to know.

Conditions for obtaining phased retirement

You should know that for apply for this device phased retirement, you must at least be 60 years old. In addition, it is also necessary:

  • To have 150 quarters of insurance. Namely quarters with contributions, assimilated (military service, illness, unemployment, etc.) and increases in quarters such as for children, for example.
  • To work part-time. That is to say in 40 and 80% of the working time in his company. In a company that practices 35 hours per week, this is equivalent to a working time between 14 and 28 hours.

Note that it is possible to access this device even by accumulating part-time near different employers. Except that the working time must be between 40 et 80 % full time.

Employees for whom we do not count working time in hours will be able to access this device. In particular, executives on a day pass who, previously, were excluded from the scheme. This is Decision No. 2020-885 QPC of the Constitutional Council of February 26, 2021.

It will take effect from January 1, 2022. Progressive retirement also concerns artisans or merchants, operators and employees. This is not the case for officials and liberal professions such as lawyers.

The method of calculating phased retirement

The progressive retirement pension is calculated depending on part time. That said, if you work 25 hours a week, that’s equivalent to 71% part-time. That is 25/35 = 71.428 5%. This should be rounded to the nearest whole number.

We will therefore be entitled to 29% (100% – 71%) of his pensions. This percentage is applied to your basic pension, which is calculated as if you were retiring. And this, considering the number of quarters acquired at the time of the transition to progressive retirement.

That being the case, by having all of its quarters, i.e. 167 or 168, the progressive retirement will be calculated at full rate. In the event that quarters are missing, it will suffer a reduction. This means that one recalculates one’s final retirement.

And this, by counting the quarters acquired during a period of progressive retirement once one ceases one’s activity. On the other hand, you can increase your pension with the premium if you continue your activity over 62 years old. And this, thanks to the progressive retirement.

In this case, the basic pension will increase by 1.25% (5% for a full year). This, with each quarter contributed in addition. However, phased retirement is not recalculated according to the number of quarters validated. Nor even according to the premium between entry into the device and exit.

The procedure to follow to obtain phased retirement

Here is the procedure for apply for phased retirement. First, you must obtain permission from your employer to reduce your activity if you do not work part-time. Note that the employer is not required to grant this authorization.

It will also be necessary to negotiate to contribute like working full time. Why ? For more supplementary pension points. Then, you must file a request for progressive retirement with your Carsat.

After obtaining the employer’s agreement, of course; or if one is already part-time. And this, at least six months before the desired date of obtaining of this retreat. To make the request, you must use the Cerfa 50298*07 form.

You will attach to this a certificate from his employer which specifies the duration of his part-time work. The Cerfa print is available for download on the site Retirement insurance. The Pension and Occupational Health Insurance Fund (Carsat) checks the duration of part-time work every 12 months.

For this, she sends a questionnaire. If the duration of this time changes, you would recalculate phased retirement. And this, even if there remains between 40 and 80% of full time. You lose the benefit of phased retirement if you return to full-time or lose your job. Additionally, you will need to to reimburse any overpayment.

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