Profitable business.. Egyptians are busy selling the exempt car the next day

The repercussions of the government’s approval are still Exemption of expatriate cars From taxes, customs and fees and their relegation to the country continues.

During the past hours, social media has been busy commenting on the matter, and many saw the good of this decision.

profitable move

Others also stressed that it was a profitable and necessary step for the economy, especially since Finance Minister Mohamed Maait was talking regarding the terms of the decision.

During a telephone interview with the “Al-Hekaya” program, on MBC Egypt, the official stated that the government is open to the project, but it is looking forward to the step.

He added that the opportunity exists for a period of 4 months, explaining that all facilities will ensure that the vehicle enters customs and then exits immediately, following the transfer is made to the account.

He stressed that there is no ban on selling vehicles, stressing that everyone can sell their vehicles at any time, provided that the customs decide the ban for 5 years while the state will lift it and owners can sell.

Imported cars from Egypt (expressive)

The minister pointed out that the Central Bank issued a dollar certificate with an interest greater than what is available in the Egyptian market.

new law

This came following the Egyptian government decided to exempt expatriate cars from taxes, customs and fees, and relegated them to the country.

The Minister of Immigration and Egyptians Abroad Affairs, Ambassador Suha Gendy, revealed that the law requires that the car be for personal use and the model of the year if it is the first owner, and a maximum of 2020 for those who are not the first buyer, stressing that there are no restrictions on the type of car, its value or ban. Sold in Egypt following landing.

She also indicated that all family members residing abroad with a valid residence permit and over 16 years of age have the right to purchase and unload a car exempt from all fees, adding that if there is a family of 6 members, they are entitled to lower 6 exempt cars for one time only.

From the Egyptian Cabinet (archive)

From the Egyptian Cabinet (archive)

The Egyptian Council of Ministers has already approved the law, as it has been sent to the House of Representatives for approval, provided that the executive regulations for it are drawn up so that the Ministry of Finance prepares lists of the car’s details and the type of deposit that must be sent to the bank in exchange for the car’s landing in the country.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Communications will establish a website through which residents abroad can register their data and the data of the cars they wish to unload.



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