Professors in Indonesia Boost Prestige and Academic Quality – 2024-07-23 00:44:30

Deputy Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia, Doctoral Candidate in Public Administration, Sriwijaya University, Palembang, Afriansyah Noor. (DOC KEMNAKER)

THE controversy over the title of professor in Indonesia has been in the spotlight in recent years due to various controversies and criticisms of the appointment process and the quality of professors in various institutions. This controversy has sparked debates about the integrity and standards of the academic community in Indonesia, which has a broad impact on the education sector, including the quality of education and the motivation of academics to achieve excellence in their fields.

Achieving the title of professor is not an easy matter. A long journey and high commitment are needed to meet the qualifications. In Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, it is stipulated that the academic position of professor can only be filled by a lecturer with an academic qualification of a Doctorate/Ph.D., this provision is also regulated in Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, in Article 1, paragraph (3) states that a professor is the highest functional position for lecturers who are still teaching in a higher education unit. Then there is a requirement to occupy the academic position of professor, namely having a doctoral qualification.

In Law No. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, specifically in Article 72 paragraph (5) the Minister may appoint someone with extraordinary competence to the academic position of professor at the suggestion of a Higher Education Institution, the appointment referred to in the paragraph is further regulated by the Ministerial Regulation. The position of professor in Indonesia is the pinnacle of an academic career achieved by a lecturer through a long, selective process full of dedication, and providing extraordinary contributions. This regulation aims to maintain the quality of higher education and ensure that a professor produces real work that is beneficial to the nation and state.

The title of professor reflects 10 (ten) years of work experience as a permanent lecturer and has scientific publications and has a doctoral education or equivalent, and has met the requirements to be proposed to the academic position level of professor. In addition, a professor guides prospective doctors, conducts cutting-edge research, writes scientific papers, and provides public services in advancing science, making professors valuable assets to the academic community and the wider community.

Types of Professors in Indonesia

Academic Professor

The legal basis is Law No. 14 of 2005 concerning Teachers and Lecturers, strengthened by the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 23 of 2006 concerning the Functional Position of Professor and its derivatives, such as the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 24 of 2006 concerning the Procedures for Appointing Professors and the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture No. 25 of 2006 concerning the Procedures for Assessing the Performance of Professors. In Law No. 12 of 2012 concerning Higher Education, in Article 72 paragraph (5) the Minister may appoint someone with extraordinary competence to the academic position of professor upon the recommendation of a Higher Education Institution.

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Research Professor

The pinnacle of a researcher’s career in a government research institution such as BRIN (National Research and Innovation Agency). This title was first regulated in the Decree of the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment No. KEP/128/M.PAN/9/2004 concerning the Functional Position of Researchers and their Credit Points, and was updated by LIPI and LIPI Regulation No. 15 of 2018 concerning the Title of Research Professor. Research Professors must have made significant contributions to the development of science and technology, as well as have a brilliant research track record.

Honorary Professor

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Regulated by the Regulation of the Minister of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology No. 38 of 2021 concerning the Appointment of Honorary Professors at Universities. It is stated that Honorary Professor is a level of Academic Position of professor at a university which is given as an award to anyone from non-academic circles who has extraordinary competence. In Article 2 Article 2, paragraph (1) Any person who has extraordinary competence and/or achievements can be appointed by the Minister as an Honorary Professor at a University upon the recommendation of the leader of the University. All of these regulations comprehensively regulate the qualifications, appointment process, and performance assessment of professors, who are required to continue to work through cutting-edge research and produce innovations that are beneficial to society.

Encouraging Prestige and Academic Quality

The appointment of professors in Indonesia, although symbolizing the highest academic achievement, is often marred by sharp criticism related to the rampant title scandals. Manipulation of academic qualifications by lecturers and other individuals to obtain professorships tarnishes the reputation of education and tarnishes the credibility of academic institutions. This has resulted in eroded public trust, damaged institutional reputations, and hampered the quality of education.

The shortage of qualified professors has prompted some universities to fast-track the promotion of professors through accelerated programs that are often criticized for ignoring the academic standards and criteria required to become a professor. The primary motivation for professors to pursue these positions is often driven by a desire for recognition and financial gain, rather than a commitment to academic excellence. This threatens the overall quality of education.

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More than just academic misconduct, this phenomenon undermines the credibility of research and teaching, hindering the progress of education and scientific research. The efforts of the government and educational institutions to uphold academic integrity through strict assessments, ethics committees, independent reviews, and reporting platforms such as ANJANI (Indonesian Academic Integrity Platform) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) are commendable.

Therefore, a strong commitment is needed to strengthen verification, apply strict sanctions, increase transparency, and cultivate integrity. Serious and comprehensive handling of the professorial title scandal is the key to maintaining the dignity and credibility of Indonesian education. The progress of the nation depends on education with integrity and transparency.

The Crucial Role of Professors Beyond Just Teaching

The role of professors in academia goes beyond the classroom. They not only teach, but are also important actors in advancing science. Professors bear the noble responsibility of guiding prospective doctors and leading them to become experts in their respective fields. They dedicate their time and expertise to mentoring and training the next generation, ensuring the sustainability and development of science.

Their dedication does not stop there. Professors continue to work through cutting-edge research, expanding the horizons of knowledge, and producing innovations that benefit society. The results of their research are published through books and scientific papers, opening access for a wider audience to learn and apply new knowledge.

The contribution of professors is not only limited to the academic world. They are also active in providing services to the public through consultation and contributions to the media. Their expertise and experience are a source of information and enlightenment for the wider community. In addition, professors have an important role in overseeing related departments and ensuring the smooth running of academic activities. Their leadership and dedication ensure that higher education institutions continue to grow and produce quality future generations.

Thus, professors are not just ordinary teachers, but also important pillars in advancing science and educating the nation. Their dedication, expertise, and contributions are invaluable to the advancement of human civilization.

Exploring the Path to Professorship A Rigorous and Competitive Process

Becoming a professor is the ultimate achievement that many lecturers aspire to. This title symbolizes dedication, achievement, and extraordinary contributions in the world of education and research. However, the process to achieve it is not easy. It requires a long struggle and resilience in passing a strict and competitive selection.

Before going any further, prospective professors must meet several general requirements that are inevitable. First, doctoral education (S3) is an absolute prerequisite. Candidates must have completed S3 education in a relevant field. Second, quality scientific work is real evidence of the lecturer’s contribution in their field. Scientific publications in well-known and indexed journals are important points in the assessment. Third, a minimum of 10 years of teaching experience is required to hone skills and insight in guiding students.

After meeting the general requirements, prospective professors will be faced with a rigorous and in-depth selection process. This process consists of several stages, namely:

  • Academic qualification assessment: A team of experts will thoroughly examine the lecturer’s educational background, academic achievements, and contributions in their field.
  • Teaching experience assessment: The quality of teaching, the methods used, and their effectiveness on students are the focus of assessment at this stage.
  • Assessment of scientific publications: Published scientific works will be reviewed to measure their quality, impact, and contribution to the advancement of science.

The culmination of the selection process is the aptitude test. Prospective professors will face a team of experts in the relevant field of science to be assessed in depth regarding their abilities and contributions. This test is usually conducted in two stages:

  • Presentation of scientific work: Prospective professors must present their scientific work comprehensively and convincingly.
  • In-depth Discussion with Expert Team: In this session, prospective professors will be faced with various questions and in-depth discussions with a team of experts to ensure their expertise and insight.

Given the very long procedure and process of appointing a professor, it is certain that the appointment process has gone through strict examination before being confirmed as a professor. This is supported by a system built by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemdikbudristek) which is made transparent and can be accessed by anyone. An example is the Higher Education Database System (PDDikti), where a lecturer’s teaching activities are recorded during their time as a lecturer. In addition, there are various tools and applications to check internationally reputable journals as evidence that there are no indications of predators, as well as many other tools that support transparency and accountability in academic products or processes.


Professors have a vital role in guiding students, producing quality scientific works, and contributing to the development of science for the advancement of the nation. The process of appointing professors is a long journey full of challenges and requires dedication, achievement, and extraordinary contributions from a lecturer. This reflects the high commitment of the world of education and research to produce superior people who bring progress to the nation. For those who successfully pass all stages of selection with flying colors, this achievement is not the end, but the beginning of a great responsibility to welcome Indonesia Emas 2045. (Z-6)

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