Professors complain of injustice in professional competency exams


Professors of some specializations complain about the injustice they are subjected to in professional competency exams, a topic that has reached Parliament.

In this context, MP Hassan Oumribet, member of the Progress and Socialism Group in the House of Representatives, addressed a written question to the Minister of National Education, Preschool and Sports, in which he stated that many male and female teachers in various specializations pass written tests for professional competence to advance their professional career and social status, but the injustice to which teachers of some subjects in particular are subjected is confirmed year after year.

The MP explained that the nature of the professional competency exam materials does not take into account the specificities of each specialization separately, nor does it give much importance to the differences between candidates at the level of the academic track and the critical and synthetic qualifications.

The same speaker considered that achieving equal opportunities and equality among different teachers requires adopting a quota for each subject, as long as the subjects of the professional competence exam vary according to specializations, pointing out that the ranking of all candidates, regardless of specialization, does not achieve equality and does not clearly reflect the efforts of teachers in advancing the education and training system.

For example, Oumribet pointed out that success in the “Pedagogical Field and Professional Practice” exam requires great control over a number of linguistic and literary competencies and social science theories, in parallel with high qualifications in the procedural aspect of teaching the subject, noting that the professional aspect grows and develops mainly through experience in teaching, while the rest of the aspects are characterized by great variation between the different candidates, as a result of the difference in their academic and professional path.

Accordingly, the member of the Progress and Socialism Group asked about the measures that the Ministry of National Education, Preschool and Sports will take to eliminate the injustice faced by the teachers concerned, as well as about the possible measures to increase the number of science teachers and physical education teachers who pass the professional competence exams.

#Professors #complain #injustice #professional #competency #exams
2024-08-24 07:01:12



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