2023-05-30 23:47:36
Profeco began to carry out an in-depth investigation of the cookies that are sold in different stores.
Profeco urged Hot Sale consumers to make responsible and intelligent purchases.
Profeco recently exhibited on a list the brands of soft drinks not suitable for consumption by children, due to their high levels of sugar.
Profeco carried out a deep investigation in different cereals that are for sale In the different consumer stores, however, there are products that might harm health due to their high level of sugars and trans fats, which cause obesity and diabetes in consumers.
The Federal Consumer Attorney’s Office reported that there are certain cereals They contain a high level of sugars and saturated fats, so the institution recommends not consuming them in excess in order to prevent diseases such as obesity and diabetes.
According to recently conducted research The Federal Consumer Attorney’s Office, the four worst cereals for sale in the stores due to their excess of sugars and trans fats are: Reese’s, Kellogg’s’ Corn Pops, Post Golden Crisp y Chachitos.
Besides, the Profeco also reported that the Reese’s brand is the one with the most fat and this is because they add cocoa and peanut butter to its corn cereal, so it contains an intense index of fats, which can generate excess weight in consumers.
In addition, Porfeco also began to investigate cookies They have a lot of sugar and harm the health of all consumers, especially that of children, who are the ones who consume this type of product the most, because it is an addictive food.
Although it is true, all cookies contain high levels of sugar and calories, and more so if they are processed foods, which can cause overweight, hypertension and diabetes, so each one of the people who consume this product should to take into account all the specifications that brands put on their packaging.
The most harmful cookies according to the research carried out by Profeco are: Emperador Piruetas, Marías Doradas, the famous Animalitos cookies, Chocolate Emperor, Classic Orange FlowerOreo and Precisísimo coconut flavor, which are widely sold in stores and in any supermarket.
It should be noted that the cookies that contain the most sugars and calories are the Emperor Pirouettes, since Profeco assured that these are the most harmful, since its content is equivalent to more than 5 coffee spoons of fat and 2.5 tablespoons of saturated fat, mentioned the Federal Consumer Attorney’s Office.
On the other hand, it is important to mention that the World Health Organizationrecommends that the intake of added sugars not exceed 10 percent of caloric intake, since this harms people following generating diseases such as overweight and diabetes.
Finally Mexico occupies the fifth place in obesity in the world where the WHO reports that 21 million are women who suffer from this problem, while 15 million are men and it is estimated that by 2030, 36.8 percent of people will suffer from this disease.
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#cereals #avoid #consuming