Products made by women deprived of liberty could be exported to Brazil

Asuncion, IP Agency.- The textile manufacturing company New Matrix SA, which operates in the Brazilian market, expressed its interest in providing labor to women deprived of liberty (MPL) from the “Juana María de Lara” Women’s Rehabilitation and Labor Reinsertion Center, in Ciudad del Este, Alto Paraná department.

To this end, officials from the Ministry of Justice held a meeting with representatives of the aforementioned company with a view to signing an alliance agreement.

The resocialization project would put into operation an intramural workshop of New Matrix SA in “Juana de Lara”, through which 10 inmates would be trained by company technicians in the production of polar blankets and carpets, articles that the company exports to Brazil. The inmates would have the opportunity to learn a trade and earn an income, in accordance with all current labor regulations of the law.

The delegation from the Ministry of Justice was made up of officials from the Directorate of Reintegration and Social Welfare, who were received by legal advisors and instructors from the company, first, for a tour of its production plant, located on Route 6, Km 30 Monday, in Minga Guazú, Alto Paraná.

They then moved to the “Juana de Lara” prison for a technical inspection of the building facilities where the production workshop would be located.

The company that operates in the blanket sector under the maquila regime, said that, due to the volume of its exports, it could have good prospects in the future to benefit more people deprived of liberty with other workshops that operate in the new Minga Guazú Penitentiary Center and the Regional Penitentiary of Coronel Oviedo.

The Ministry of Justice encourages public and private companies to support social reintegration programs, with opportunities for the reintegration of persons deprived of liberty into society, once they have served their sentence.

#Products #women #deprived #liberty #exported #Brazil
2024-09-01 05:24:26



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