Production, consumption and price of electricity by 2035 and 2050

2023-11-27 23:00:00

N° 75



Registered at the Presidency of the Senate on October 31, 2023


tending has the creation d’a commission d’investigation on the production, the consumption et the prix of l’electricity to horizons 2035 et 2050,


By Mr. Vincent DELAHAYE, Ms. Jocelyne GUIDEZ, Mr. Jean-Michel ARNAUD, Ms. Catherine BELRHITI, Annick BILLON, MM. Yves BLEUNVEN, François BONNEAU, Philippe BONNECARRÈRE, Gilbert BOUCHET, Olivier CADIC, Guislain CAMBIER, Mrs. Agnès CANAYER, MM. Michel CANÉVET, Vincent CAPO-CANELLAS, Alain CAZABONNE, Daniel CHASSEING, Patrick CHAUVET, Édouard COURTIAL, Ms. Sonia de LA PROVÔTÉ, Mr. Louis-Jean de NICOLAŸ, Ms. Nathalie DELATTRE, Mr. Bernard DELCROS, Ms. Brigitte DEVÉSA, Mr. Franck DHERSIN, Mrs. Élisabeth DOINEAU, MM. Alain DUFFOURG, Daniel FARGEOT, Ms. Isabelle FLORENNES, Mr. Philippe FOLLIOT, Ms. Amel GACQUERRE, Françoise GATEL, Mr. Fabien GENET, Ms. Frédérique GERBAUD, Sylvie GOY-CHAVENT, MM. Olivier HENNO, Loïc HERVÉ, Ms. Christine HERZOG, Mr. Alain HOUPERT, Ms. Annick JACQUEMET, Ms. Lauriane JOSENDE, MM. Claude KERN, Christian KLINGER, Marc LAMÉNIE, Michel LAUGIER, Alain MARC, Pascal MARTIN, Hervé MAUREY, Franck MENONVILLE, Jean-Marie MIZZON, Mrs Catherine MORIN-DESAILLY, Laurence MULLER-BRONN, Mr Stéphane RAVIER, Mrs Olivia RICHARD, Anne -Sophie ROMAGNY, Nadia SOLLOGOUB, MM. Philippe TABAROT, Jean-Marie VANLERENBERGHE, Ms. Sylvie VERMEILLET and Mr. Dany WATTEBLED,


(Sent to the committee economic affairs.)

#Production #consumption #price #electricity

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