Product reminder: these contaminated bacon bits must not be eaten, be careful!

The days follow one another and the reminders too. Indeed, not a single day goes by without the Rappel Conso website initiates a recall procedure on different products. Recently, it was the bacon bits that worried the authorities.

A new product recall

The French present on the Rappel Conso Twitter account are increasingly worried. And for good reason, the latter launches at least one reminder per day regarding a product put on sale in supermarket.

And the least we can say is that all items can be subject to a recall procedure. Toys for children, foodstuffs or textiles, all households must feel concerned.

Now it is a popular product for salads that are being recalled. Indeed, it is chicken matches. Reheated, these can also be used as bacon bits for another plat.

Sold by the Arab brand in various supermarkets in France, this product is subject to a recall. And for good reason, the listeria may have contaminated these matches. Marketed on August 2 until August 9, they should not be consumed.

This is GTIN 3760238430433 and lot L2207005. As indicated by our colleagues from Rappel Conso if you have purchased this product, you must return the product to the point of sale. Where to contact consumer service.

Chicken matches are the subject of a procedure

Once reported the store concerned will make a refund. Whether you want more informationyou can also contact the consumer service at

The Rappel Conso site also reveals what you risk if you consume these chicken matches. “People who have consumed the product and who have fever, isolated or accompanied by headaches, and body aches, should at all costs consult their doctor treating ».

“And this, by notifying him of this consumption. Of the severe forms with neurological complications and maternal or fetal damage in pregnant women can also sometimes occur..

Rappel Conso also added: “Pregnant women as well as immunocompromised people and older people should be especially alert to these symptoms.”.

Finally, the government website revealed: “Listeriosis is a disease that can be serious. And whose incubation period can go up to eight weeks”.

It is therefore necessary to be very vigilant if you have consumed this product. If you experience the symptoms listed above, contact your doctor as soon as possible treating.

A deadline for reimbursement

You also have until September 1 to hope for a refund from the supermarket. A few hours ago, Rappel Conso also launched a new procedure for Douce France chicken wings.

But also for 150 g nitrite-free lardons from the “La vie claire” brand. Or many cheeses. One thing is certain, the French are finding it increasingly difficult to have a blind faith in industries.

And for good reason, the recall of products often happens much too late. For example, for chicken matches, Rappel Conso sounded the alarm on August 10th.

However, the date limit of this product was on August 9th. Most households have therefore surely consumed these chicken matches. One thing is certain, so industries do not pay enough attention to the creation of products.



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