Processors in Russia continue to rise in price. But not everywhere: in some stores over the past week, some models have slightly fallen in price. Of course, not to the level of mid-February, but still. In addition, Intel and AMD consumer processors have returned to the assortment of a number of large Russian retailers, although there was no way to buy them there a week ago.
Consumer CPUs reappeared in the assortment of Regard and DNS. True, in the latter, only Intel Core models of the 10th and 11th are sold in retail. generations, while the 12th generation Intel Core can only be found in off-the-shelf PCs. AMD Ryzen 5000 chips, in turn, are available in DNS and separately. The Regard store began to offer the latest generations of both Intel Core and AMD Ryzen, and at quite average market prices – something more expensive than competitors, and something cheaper.

Now for the price changes. Most processors fell in price in Citylink. For example, the price of the Ryzen 9 5900X has dropped from 113 thousand a week ago to 86 thousand today, or the Core i7-12700K has fallen in price by 10 thousand to 90,790 rubles. Only the Core i9-12900K has risen in price, and immediately by 26 thousand rubles.
In the “Online Trade” some AMD processors have fallen in price a little. For example, Ryzen 9 5900X was offered for 99,999 rubles a week ago, and now for 96,250 rubles. But in NIX, prices continued to grow, and quite significantly – the same Ryzen 5 5600X is already offered there for more than 100 thousand rubles. Note that the table below shows the prices of Tray-versions of the chips.

The prices for Avito have also risen noticeably. Of course, there are still offers with very attractive prices, especially for used AMD chips, which have been on the market much longer than the latest generation Intel Core models. But in general, sellers follow the general trend, and some even break the completely inhumane price tag.
It is still difficult to find latest generation Intel Core processors on Aliexpress. And the Ryzen 5000 chips began to rise in price on the Chinese site. But this is more likely due to changes in the exchange rate of the ruble, rather than the greed of Chinese sellers.
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