Processing 7,083 notifications regarding various criminal cases on the interactive digital platform “Ibaleg”.

Agadir 24 | Agadir24

The General Directorate of National Security announced that the interactive digital platform “Inform,” designated for immediate reporting of illegal digital content on the Internet, has processed, during the first three months since its launch at the beginning of June of this year, a total of 7,083 notifications regarding various criminal cases, including: In various crimes related to modern technologies, incitement and praise for terrorist acts, violating the rights and freedoms of minor children, threatening to harm the physical safety of people, fraud, and extortion.

In a qualitative analysis of the notifications received by the “Ibalagh” platform, the National Security Technical Squad processed a total of 6,788 notifications regarding crime cases related to modern technologies, 60 percent of these notifications related to fraud and digital fraud cases, 20 percent to sexual blackmail cases, and ten percent to cases. Insult and slander, five percent in cases of violence and threats to use violence, and five percent in cases falling under the category of other digital content related to incitement to commit crimes against persons, trafficking in prohibited materials via the Internet, and sexual exploitation.

From a procedural standpoint, the technical teams supervising the “Information” platform have begun the necessary technical expertise and diagnostics on the notifications received before referring them to the territorially competent judicial police services, for the purpose of notifying the Public Prosecution and opening the necessary judicial investigations in light of its instructions.

This research, carried out under the supervision of various public prosecutors, enabled the identification of 82 people suspected of involvement in cases that include constituent elements of crimes and misdemeanors punishable by law. Of these, 23 people were brought before justice, while search warrants were published and circulated nationally in the face of the crime. Nine suspects, while research is still ongoing regarding the remaining suspects involved in these criminal acts.

As for the aspect related to issues of terrorism and extremism, during the same period, the “Information” platform received a total of 295 notifications about issues of praise and incitement to commit terrorist acts, including 85 notifications about information activities related to praising the terrorist activity of the “ISIS” organization, which are the notifications that It was dealt with with the required seriousness by opening the necessary research into it.

In other statistical data that indicate the level of trust and positive interaction with the service provided by the “Ibaleg” digital platform, during the first three months of its launch, this interactive platform received a total of 4,117 notifications bearing the full identity of the informants who chose to register their notifications accompanied by their personal data, that is, a percentage equivalent to More than two-thirds of the total notifications received.

In keeping with this mutual trust between the informant and the digital reporting platform, 564 reports were recorded from outside the national territory, from countries in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and North Africa.

The National Security Services are betting on continuing the immediate and serious interaction with the reports received by the digital platform “Ibalagh” to strengthen the general sense of security, raise the levels of interaction between the security institution and its societal environment, as well as develop practical and effective mechanisms to combat crimes related to modern technologies, through the involvement of citizens. In achieving digital security and maintaining the Internet as a safe space free from threats and criminal behavior.

It is noteworthy that the National Security Services had based, during the development of the “Information” platform, on necessary security principles and concepts, including the joint production of security, which makes the citizen a partner in consolidating security in its broad sense, through reporting all potential threats and risks, as this embodies. The platform also has a warning duty that imposes on everyone to notify and report all crimes and attempted crimes that threaten our collective security.

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