problems persist in its execution 2024-03-16 01:15:29

Banking in Cuba continues to attract the attention of its protagonists, especially from a negative point of view.

Because? It turns out that not all the measures applied on the subject are executed as indicated. Such a phenomenon can be seen with the naked eye in every province of the country.

Problems with QR Codes, crashes of the EnZona or Transfermóvil payment gateways and even state and private centers that avoid charging digitally. These are just some of the deficiencies that still persist in the banking process.

The initiatives were supposed to arrive so that consumers could improve their payment procedures for goods and services on the Island. However, the palpable results demonstrate the opposite.

Is Santiago banked?

An exact example of the malfunction of the various systems involved in banking is the second most important city in Cuba, Santiago. An article in the local newspaper referred to the topic. Sierra Maestra.

A recent tour of local authorities through the provincial capital city detected many problems in the application of provisions directly linked to banking. For example, at the Parque de los Sueños, few stalls accepted virtual payment options.

Meanwhile, the La Vía Central cafeteria-pizzeria, the Medité center or Casa de las Infusions Médicas and the La Infinita ice cream parlor do not accept payments by transfer. Meanwhile, in other places such as Coppelia La Arboleda, UEB La España, the Fraternidad chocolate shop and the Labiofam marketing store, customers can only use EnZona.

The El Santiaguero market and the Chan-Chan complex barely accept payments by Transfermóvil. It was also detected that the José Antonio Echeverría bookstore does not have the extra cash service enabled. Through it you can withdraw cash in commercial establishments located in areas where there are no ATMs.

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The same press report pointed out the lack of control that exists in some government facilities. Their clients confirm that they are prevented from paying through the EnZona or Transfermóvil platforms “because there were problems that day.”

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