Pro-Palestine Student Movement Takes Over McGill University: Gaza Solidarity Camp

2024-04-29 01:32:04

Pro-Palestine students appear to be planning to set up shop on the McGill University campus for quite some time, as more than thirty tents were present there on Sunday.

Demonstrations to support Palestine in the conflict between it and Israel have also been present at American universities for several days. The movement began at Columbia University in New York before spreading to other institutions.

On the social network X (formerly Twitter), McGill’s Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights (SPHR) organization announced the rally. She also indicated, in a series of messages, that students refused to remain passive in the current context.

“What is happening across North America is a revolution! It is a revolution where young people and students are once again on the front lines,” wrote the SPHR.

“Students have reclaimed their campus to demand total divestment from the occupation and genocide,” the organization added in another message. The students refuse to be accomplices, they will stay until the liberation!”

SPHR invited other students to stand up for the Palestinians.

“Join us today [dimanche] and every day in the Gaza solidarity camp, shared the SPHR. Let’s fill the campus.”

#ProPalestinian #encampment #students #settle #McGill

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