Pro-government pressure to create new national universities while the opposition keeps the stocks on the sessions

While Together for Change persists in its position of not giving a quorum to sessions of Congress to the extent that the Front of All maintain the impeachment of the Court, a sector of the ruling party presses to unlock the opposition stocks and approve the creation of eight new national universities.

In order not to dilute public attention to these opinions (which were on the agenda of the two truncated sessions in December) and expose the blockade proposed by Together for Change, the president of the Education Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, Blanca Osuna, called a meeting with representatives of communities and institutions that promote the sanction of the initiatives.

The ruling party studies how to unlock Congress without JxC

Which are the national universities that the Frente de Todos wants to believe?

The meeting will be this Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. in Room 2 of Annex C of the Lower House, and will be the sounding board of the claim to unblock the treatment for the Creation of the national universities Juan Laurentino Ortiz (Entre Ríos), Pilar, Delta, Madres de Plaza de Mayo, Cuenca del Salado, Ezeiza, Saladillo and Río Tercero.

“From my role as president of the Education Commission, we assume these spaces as vehicles for those needs and demands, with the conviction of their approval to continue strengthening the federal right to higher education,” Osuna said.

After the “palazo” to Congress, what number of sessions were there and how many laws were approved

In the same situation as the files linked to national universities is the project to regularize pension debts that would allow more than 800,000 people of retirement age to access retirement pension benefits.


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