“PRM Defends JCE Resolution: Candidacy Reservations Explained”

2023-05-15 01:45:54

José Ignacio Paliza and Pablo McKinney

SANTO DOMINGO.- The Modern Revolutionary Party (PRM) defended the resolution of the Central Electoral Board (JCE) which establishes that candidacy reserves of up to 20% will be made by election levels and not as a general reserve as claimed by the opposition parties.

Interviewed on the “McKinney” program, the president of the organization, José Ignacio Paliza, pointed out that the reservation system that was used in the 2020 elections is the same one that the JCE now ratifies, which implies that “the gender quota it is applied by demarcation and the reserves of 20% by level of election”.

He said that they did that in the PRM, but that later citizens challenged that decision before the Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE) and in two sentences that high court decided that “the quota for women would be made by demarcation and the reservation of 20% of the candidacies, by level of election”.

He added that there were appeals for review of those sentences even in the Constitutional Court, and there the TSE’s criteria were also ratified, at least in the case of the women’s quota.

He recalled that in the face of this situation, the PRM had to redo its ballots and leave out a dozen candidacies for deputies from important leaders of that organization.

“That sentence hit us in the face,” said Paliza, who acknowledged that “the position of the court was correct” because in his opinion it is fair if it is taken into account that if it is not with this method, the leadership of the parties might reserve the important candidacies and send the councilors to primaries.

He stated that before the arrival to the PRM of leaders of other forces, the commitment of the official leadership is to give equal opportunities to aspire, although there may be exceptions.


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