Prix ​​de Paris Marathon Race – Ampia Mede Sm: “Proper attire required” in the Quinté+ of this Sunday February 27!

The starters of Quinté+ for this Sunday February 27

The forces present

Dazzling since last summer, Ampia Mede Sm (1) might certainly have played a leading role in the price of america if she had managed to qualify. Unfortunately for her supporters, she might not avoid the fault in the Baune Tenor Prize, who was supposed to offer him his ticket for the queen event. Totally reassuring lastly, in the Munich Prizeshe can pin this Group 1 to her prize list.

Dazzling in the price of americaeven if he got adjusted on the wire, Power (7) has changed in size this winter. Often nonchalant, this hardened steel horse should not be upset by this marathon distance. If he manages to take control quickly, there is no doubt that this son of Love You will go very far.

Inducted new king of the trot on the last Sunday of January, Davidson du Pont (14) then left us on our hunger in the France price. Disqualified during the last two editions of this summit, he still deserves the greatest respect. Equipped with a fearsome final burst of speed, Flame of Goutier (13) was probably conducted too offensively in the “Speed ​​Race”. No doubt that Théo Duvaldestin will be able to correct the shot.

Title holder of this “Marathon Race” Amazing (12) is thirsty for revenge following his disappointments in the first two stages of the Triple Crown. Noticed in the background in the price of america, Devil of Vauvert (9) and Joudes Girl (11) are potential placements. Much more confirmed on the mounted trot, Freeman de Houelle (8) will show up all the same unshod on all four feet. With the help ofEric Raffinhe can sign a coup.

Olivier Pivain’s prediction

The starters in detail and the opinion of the pros

  1. Ampia Mede Sm

Dazzling at the start of the meeting, this classy mare unfortunately did not manage to win her ticket for the price of america. It has the potential to compete with the elite of older horses and intends to prove it on Sunday. Potential winner.

Fabrice Souloy, trainer : ” Ampia Mede Sm (1) has the makings of a Group 1 mare. She has a lot of character, but it takes it to perform at this level. Over this long distance, it will be up to the driver to aim straight. We must not be too early in the battle, without however being too far. She has what it takes to get on the podium.”

  1. Discoloration

In the latest edition of this Group I, this student from Jean Michel Baudouin was still well in the race at the time of his prank. It is better known on the lower level, but a small place is not to be excluded.

Louis Baudouin, son of the trainer : ” Discoloration (2) held her game well on February 12, but she might have done even better. She is very well in the morning, better than before her Munich Prize. Last year, she had left big regrets in this Paris price. We will be racing for a fifth place, but if the course is favorable to her, she can aim higher. Long distance is his sport!”.

  1. Calle Crown

Author of a good finish in the Munich Prizethis protected from Tomas Malmqvist approaches this meeting in full possession of his means. That said, it is clear that it seems a tone below the main favorites in pure value. At the end of the trail.

Tomas Malmqvist, coach : ” Calle Crown (3) has proven his great form in his last two appearances. Even if it will be a discovery, the distance does not scare me. The race is very tough for him, but he is in full possession of his resources. I wouldn’t be surprised to see him finish fourth or fifth.”
  1. Cash of the Oak

At the age of 7, this wait-and-see has still not managed to win on the big track at Vincennes. It has shown its limits at the lower level and will have to benefit from very favorable circumstances to grab a place at the end of the combination. Second choice.

Julien Le Mer, trainer : ” Oak Money (4) has recovered well since his fifth-place finish on February 12. He likes to run with freshness, so we have done “light” in the morning since. It is easy and will therefore be comfortable on this long course. With an ideal course, he can grab fifth place”.
  1. Falcao de Laurma

Victim of health problems, this winner of the Criterium for 4 Year Olds seems far from its best. Even if he had a good behavior in the Brest pricefollowing his fault at the start, other protagonists are clearly preferable to him.

Cyril Chenu, trainer : Falcao de Laurma (5) was unlucky this winter. Finally, following his prank, he behaved well. His driver was also very happy with his descent from the sulky. At work he is fine. His physical condition seems good to me, but I don’t know if it will be enough to tackle four kilometers… He needs to reassure us”.
  1. Fakir du Lorault

This son of Vaillant Cash left a favorable impression on the France price. His entourage did not hide having targeted this ordeal. Very comfortable on long-term courses, he is one of the candidates for places.

François Lecanu, driver : Fakir du Lorault (6) appears on the rise. Its last two rounds are encouraging and it is regaining its good level. Over this distance, he must not set off and consume too much “fuel”… I hope luck will be on our side, in which case he might finish in the top five”.
  1. Galius

This follower of the race in the lead has long deluded himself for victory in the price of america. Absent since, he approaches this meeting with a lot of freshness. Often nonchalant, he will not be upset by distance. A priority.

Séverine Raimond, coach:Power (7) recovered well from second place in the price of america. He will certainly not wear blinders this Sunday. The distance remains a question mark. Before the coup, I have no reservations, but it remains a discovery. Physically, he’s perfect.”
  1. Freeman de Houelle

This student of Franck LeBlanc is part of the elite of mounted trotters. On the trot, on the other hand, it has no reference. Nevertheless, he will appear barefoot and will benefit from the support of Eric Raffin. To retain it or not is a matter of impression.

Kevin Leblanc, son of the trainer: “We try a gamble with Freeman de Houelle (8). My father waited for this race to head for the trot, because he’s really tough. He has recovered very well from his recent efforts under saddle. He has a warrior temperament. We wouldn’t be surprised to see him take a place.”
  1. Devil of Vauvert

Second in the last edition of this Group I, this formidable sprinter was not very lucky in the price of america. If it can benefit from a favorable course, there is no doubt that it will be dangerous at the time of final packaging.

Bertrand Le Beller, trainer : ” Devil of Vauvert (9) is a true “marathoner”. He faces his goal. Of course, we have worked to do the best in the price of america, but the course was catastrophic. Since the beginning of winter, we have been looking forward to this Paris price. I think so as well as in his second place last year”.

  1. Gu d’Héripré

Author of an encouraging return to the Prix de Bourgogne, this son of Coktail Jet then proved to be disappointing. He has the “engine” to aim for the first places, but where is he really? As difficult to warmly recommend as it is to eliminate.

Emma Souloy, lad:Gu d’Heripré (10) is in good shape in the morning, which encourages us to present it on Sunday. Of course, he needs to reassure us, but he seems ready to restore his image… The distance is not disturbing. If he wasn’t in the top five, it would be a real disappointment.”

  1. joudes girl

Still just as brave from the height of her 10 years, this resident ofAlain Laurent did absolutely nothing in the first two stages of the Triple Crown. Fifth and sixth of the last two editions, it can be considered at the end of the combination.

Alain Laurent, trainer: Joudes Girl (11) has worked well since his France price. She is still in great shape. The distance will be more to his liking. It will be a matter of course. If all goes well, she is capable of grabbing fourth or fifth place.”
  1. amazing

It is none other than the title holder of this Group 1. Dominated in the price of america, then quickly disqualified two weeks later, he found a great opportunity to set the record straight. Serious candidate for the podium.

Richard Westerink, trainer: You have to erase the attempt toAmazing (12) in the France price. His number was too complicated to handle and he got angry from the start. His last job, Wednesday morning, was superb. If luck turns, he will perform. Even if I need to be reassured, I would be disappointed not to see him finish in the top three. He is ready to defend his title.”

  1. Flame of Goutier

Disqualified following investigation from second place in the last edition, this high-class mare certainly led too much offensively last time around. If it is not faded following its busy winter, its place is at the finish.

Thierry Duvaldestin, trainer: Flame of Goutier (13) is definitely a little ‘dull’ following her winter battles. But in the morning, she is always cheerful and supple. We are going to try to grab a small place in this magnificent Quinté+”.

  1. Davidson du Pont

Heroic in the price of americathis representative of Jean-Yves Warrior was unable to achieve a new feat in the “Speed ​​Race”. Disqualified in the last two editions of this Group I, it nevertheless has the skills to shine there. To keep in high rank.

Nicolas Bazire, trainer and driver:Davidson du Pont (14) quickly recovered from his France price. I think he didn’t want to go into battle following being too attacking. He likes to run hidden and must not come to the forefront of the fight too soon. He has since gone to the countryside. It’s fine, he’s perfect. I’m going to race him to be fifth, hoping to see him finish very strong.”

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