“Private Makarsky arrived at your order”: can partial mobilization affect a famous actor

After the beginning of partial mobilization in Russia, the society is actively discussing the question: is any of the celebrities really capable of falling under it. Here, for example, Anton Makarsky, who happened to play service people in the movies. The actor himself once said that he was thinking of becoming a military man, but it did not work out.

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In November, the artist will celebrate his 47th birthday. By age, Makarsky can be attributed to the third mobilization category. Anton went to military service on his own initiative following graduating from the Theater Institute. Schukin.

“I even had thoughts: maybe stay? Because everything is there, as I like it: complete order, the strictest discipline, physical activity. Probably, I might have been a military man if fate had turned out a little differently, ”Makarsky shared with reporters.

Anton Makarsky in the series “Smersh”

The very fact of passing the service played into the hands of the actor when he met his future wife. 23 years ago, Anton started a family with Victoria Morozova. At first, the marriage was actual. The couple got married a year later, and went to the registry office four years following the start of their life together.

“The first question of my mother-in-law was: served? Yes sir! Private Makarsky has arrived on your orders. She said well done. And my mother-in-law was on my side, ”Anton noted in an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda radio.

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“I saw normal service in the army for only a month and a half in training,” the actor does not hide. His talent was noted. Makarsky was soon sent to one of the best teams in the country – the State Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. By Anton’s own admission, it was a completely different story.

Anton Makarsky in the TV series
Anton Makarsky in the TV series “Thunder”

“Personally, for me, these one and a half months of service in the unit were vital. Because I am very often offered the role of the military. In many ways, the army develops vital things that a person of any profession, especially a man, subsequently needs, ”the artist believes.

“Rights should be absolutely the same for everyone, as well as duties”

Makarsky was one of the participants in the discussion on the radio “Komsomolskaya Pravda” of the question: is it worth it to exempt artists and other creative people from military service in principle.

Anton Makarsky

Mikhail Boyarsky, Anton’s famous colleague, then expressed the idea: “The army is destroying the profession of many musicians who need hands, or ballet dancers, for whom marching is not the main thing in life. Personally, I served in the army with several artists. This greatly undermined their future career.

Makarsky did not agree with the separation of creative professions.

“To release on the basis of employment in a creative profession from the army is somehow ridiculous for me. The same as doing some kind of benefits to actors or receiving special subsidies. I believe that absolutely everyone should have the same rights, as well as duties, regardless of profession. But every person, regardless of the type of activity, should have the opportunity to defer or perform alternative service. You can’t paint everyone with the same color. There must be an individual approach, ”the actor specified.

Anton Makarsky

He was supported by the host of the radio program, director Yuri Grymov, who suggested: “If the initiative not to take artists into the army is approved, there will certainly be representatives of other professions who consider military service harmful for themselves. For example, bloggers. They will say that following the army they will write much worse. Yes, and taking a selfie there is somehow not masculine. ”



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