Privacy Policy – Contship Italia

  • Premise

    Contship Italia Spa (hereinafter Contship), with registered office in Melzo (MI), Via I Maggio n. 1 – 20066, as the data controller pursuant to Legislative Decree 196/2003 and EU Regulation 679/2016 (hereinafter, the Applicable Regulations), recognizes the importance of confidentiality and protection of personal data as fundamental rights of the individual. It is therefore our primary objective to process personal data according to rigorous principles of lawfulness, correctness, limitation of purposes and conservation, minimization, accuracy, integrity, while ensuring maximum transparency on procedures and security measures adopted.
    In light of the above, and in compliance with legal obligations, we issue the following information.

  • Scope of treatment

    This information only concerns the processing of user data (the Users) collected through the voluntary completion of contact forms published on the website (the Site) for the provision of services or for contact requests.

  • Data Controller

    Contship is the data controller and issues this information to indicate in a transparent and easily accessible manner, the categories of interested parties, the type of data and processing carried out, the purposes underlying the processing, the security measures adopted and the third parties to whom the data may be communicated.

  • Personal data subject to processing

    The personal data of the users (the Data) consist of contact information (identity, email, telephone, address) as well as, limited to quotation services and the “work with us” section, some professional and educational data (company affiliation, course of study, etc.).

  • Purpose of data processing

    The processing of the Data is aimed solely at providing the services or responding to requests to the Users requested by the latter.

    The Data may also be processed for marketing purposes and for the promotion of educational and cultural activities and events. In this case, the Data is processed only upon specific release of the express consent of the Users

    The Data is processed in electronic format. In some cases, it may be processed in paper format but in any case with methods strictly necessary to meet the purposes indicated above.

  • Legal basis for processing

    Contship processes the Data only with the express consent of the Users or to perform a service requested by them.

  • Consequences of failure to communicate the Data

    Users may at any time revoke their consent to the processing and exercise other rights as better indicated below (par. 11). In the event of revocation of consent to the processing of Data, Contship will not be able to provide the requested services or provide feedback to Users. However, there is no legal obligation to provide the Data or prohibition to revoke consent.

  • Data Retention

    The Data will be retained for the period in which it is necessary to provide the requested service or give feedback to the User. For marketing purposes related to sending newsletters or invitations to promotional, cultural and training events, the Data are retained until the User revokes consent or the newsletter service is interrupted or events are cancelled. The Data received for spontaneous applications are retained by Contship for one year from 1 January following the date of receipt.

  • Data communication

    To ensure efficiency and professionalism, Contship uses third parties with specific technical and professional skills for some support services.

    In this regard, the Data may be communicated to:

    • third-party consultants who provide services functional to the purposes indicated above (par. 5);
    • the provider of the Site;
    • other companies of the Contship group.

    The updated list of managers or independent owners to whom the Data may be communicated can be requested by writing to

    The Data are not normally subject to transfer abroad. However, in case of transfer of the Data abroad, Contship adopts every precaution and good practice for the full respect and protection of the rights of the Users by using all the solutions permitted by the GDPR, therefore asking for the explicit consent of the interested party, favoring states subject to adequacy decisions and resorting to the subscription of the standard clauses approved by the European Commission.

  • Profiling and dissemination of data

    The Data is not subject to dissemination or any fully automated decision-making process, including profiling.

  • Rights of the interested party

    Users have the right to exercise the rights recognized by the GDPR. And in particular, each of them, in relation to the Data concerning them, can ask Contship and obtain from it:

    • access and rectification if inaccurate or integration of incomplete data; cancellation (when one of the conditions indicated in art. 17, paragraph 1 of EU Regulation 679/2016 occurs and in compliance with the exceptions provided for in paragraph 3 of the same article) and limitation of processing (when one of the hypotheses indicated in art. 18, paragraph 1 of EU Regulation 679/2016 occurs);
    • copy of the Data in a structured and machine-readable format, also for the purpose of communicating such Data to another data controller (so-called right to portability of personal data);
    • oppose the processing at any time in the event of particular situations that concern him/her;
    • revoke consent at any time. The processing based on consent and carried out prior to its revocation, however, retains its lawfulness;
    • lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Italian Data Protection Authority – In particular, Users who believe that the processing of their Personal Data is in violation of the provisions of the Applicable Regulations, have the right to contact the Italian Data Protection Authority with a complaint or appeal to that Authority as provided for by art. 77 of the GDPR, or to contact the appropriate judicial offices as provided for by art. 79 of EU Regulation 679/2016.

    The User may contact Contship to request information or exercise their rights by writing by filling out the form at the following link and sending it to The owner has appointed La Scala Società tra avvocato per azioni as Data Protection Officer (DPO) and, in particular, Avv. Francesco Rampone as the DPO contact.


    Registered Office: Via I Maggio 1, 20066 Melzo (MI)

    Tel. +39 02 95529611

    Fax +39 02 95529666

    Company Register and Tax Code 00226890119

    P. VAT 02960210108

    Chamber of Commerce of Milan REA n° 1720378

    Share Capital Euro 33,800,000.00 iv



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