Priscilla Vargas says goodbye to Mega on screen after 20 years on the channel: “I’ve been very happy here” | TV and Show

The journalist Priscilla Vargas said goodbye in a surprising way in the final moments of the Mega newscast. “I think it was a surprise, because nobody really knew,” she said.

Journalist Priscilla Vargas surprised her viewers on Tuesday by saying goodbye on screen to the channel where she was for 20 years, Mega. The announcement came suddenly following giving the diagnosis of the weatherwhen they released a compilation of different professional notes.

Vargas, who he had returned from his vacation this mondayhad been on the channel for 20 years and according to reports, his withdrawal is due to the fact that he would have “new projects”.

Many did not know that you were leavingbut then you will tell us regarding that process, ”Michelle Adams shared. “You are leaving us for this new project that is a great challenge for you”revealed the meteorologist.

After the words of her colleagues in the studio, the communicator ended up breaking down in tears and asserted that the fact was a surprise, because she had not shared the news with many colleagues.

mega catch

“I just want to say that I really love them very much, I adore them. I think it was a surprise, because no one really knew”he mentioned later.

According to the professional, she has been “very happy” during her stay on the channel, to which she assured gave him “tools to grow professionally and to grow personally.

I saw many professionals grow up who became my best friends and friends”, she recalled to later thank the affection of the public during the mornings.

“Thank you for letting me wake you up every day”, he pointed out to give words to the channel once more, thanking “the necessary stability to have my daughters without delaying me. I have really been very happy here,” she commented.

“Hasta siempre”, Priscilla Vargas closed once more, once more showing the compilation of the notes she made in Mega.

Priscila Vargas and her new journey on Channel 13

With this, Vargas will be in charge of hosting the Channel 13 program Here we are allfollowing the departure of Angélica Castro from the channel and its imminent premiere on March 14.

In said channel, Vargas carried out her professional practice and that is why for her the return to the channel has a special touch, according to what she assured in a statement.

“After two decades, I return to Channel 13 to take charge of a program that I believe has two missions. One: inform and the second: help. I think that beyond reporting for a journalist, making an aid is extremely rewarding, ”she asserted.

For Vargas, this new challenge “It is a tremendous challenge, both professionally and personally.. And I think it’s going to be incredible work, that you’re going to see every day with a result that people are going to be able to perceive, and I hope in the best way”.

In this sense, the journalist highlights that “I reach the here we are all with very dirty shoes following reporting a lot on the street and throughout Chile, ready to continue touring the country to bring much-needed solutions to the people. Because in the program the most important thing is the people”.



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