Priority is to reduce the cost of living 2024-08-11 07:10:55

Despite the fact that we are at the peak of summer, several meetings have already been held in order to shape the proposals of the ministries, in view of TIF, which will be forwarded to the Maximos Palace, in order to be finalized by the Kyriakos Mitsotakis.

He has pointed out that in Thessaloniki he will not proceed with benefits, “we are not Santa Clauses with packages” was his characteristic expression in a television interview, but he will insist on the implementation of the government program and the announcement of new reform initiatives.

In addition, the drop in unemployment to single-digit levels (9.6%), which is also the lowest in the last 15 years, is emphasized. At the same time, there will be actions to increase employment for young people and women, where the scope for further reduction is significant, but also for special categories such as citizens with disabilities, through incentives for employers to hire more.


At the center of all actions remains the battle of everyday life, with accuracy at the top of the problems. That is why controls on the market will be intensified and the Competition Commission will be strengthened, which is charged with identifying market concentration phenomena that lead to oligopolistic situations.

The Government’s plan to reduce the cost of living is in full swing and includes the following:

  • The institutionally competent body for free competition – the Competition Commission – is being strengthened with 50 new recruitments of expert scientists.
  • DIMEA conducts audits in 26 large companies for the implementation of the price restraint law. The role of the regions is also strengthened through their respective services for relevant controls.
  • The e-katanalotis platform is further upgraded, providing information to consumers about products so that citizens can make the most advantageous purchases.
  • Cooperation with the institutional bodies of entrepreneurship is progressing, so that they respond to the need to reduce prices with a sense of social responsibility.

Foreign fronts

Overall, the landscape in the economy is not clear, when the developments in the Middle East can trigger a new energy crisis, while the new battles on the Ukrainian front have caused upward trends in natural gas prices. According to Friday’s data, the price of natural gas in July was up more than 20% from June and, if the upward trend is sustained, will drag down electricity costs, recycling inflationary forces.

The prime minister has pointed out that the government is ready to intervene, whenever necessary, for the benefit of electricity consumers.

“We remain absolutely vigilant in order to ensure the orderly operation of the electricity market and relative stability and predictability in electricity prices. Our interventions have a double reference: The immediate improvement of the citizen’s daily life and important reforms that correct chronic pathologies that hinder our progress” he had emphasized at the last meeting of the Council of Ministers.

Measures have already been decided for August in order to subsidize electricity bills for all households, with financing from the taxation of natural gas energy groups.


Subsidies for electricity in household tariffs and for all main and non-main residence services, without income criteria and regardless of provider, are structured as follows:

  • For monthly consumptions up to 500kWh, the subsidy is 16€/MWh or 1.6 cents/kWh. This category occupies 90% of households in Greece.

It is noted that the subsidies concern consumers who are contracted to variable electricity tariffs.

  • In households that are included in the Social Household Tariff (COT), the subsidy amounts to €50/MWh or 5 cents/kWh for the total consumption, while the final price after the subsidy will be at the pre-energy crisis level.

The above is included in the measures taken by the Ministry of Environment and Energy, with the aim of preventing the excessive burden on domestic electricity consumers, from the increase in electricity prices, due to the recent malfunction of the electricity market in South-Eastern Europe, which was observed within of last July.

If corresponding distortions are observed at the end of August, then the government may extend the measures for September as well, imposing a new emergency fee. Overall, Maximou sends a message that the Greek consumer cannot pay for any malfunctions in an energy market which, at the European level, has not yet reached the point of operation that it should be without sufficient interconnections, so that there is a price balance in all European countries.


Under the microscope “fixes”

The financial staff processes the data from the filing of the tax returns. It is noted that up to August 2, 6,543,853 declarations of natural persons were submitted, the largest number of timely declarations recorded in the last nine years.

With regard to the process of disputing the presumptions by self-employed professionals, 4,358 natural persons, out of the 401,565, that are cleared based on this process, in a total of 713,477 claims, expressed a relevant intention. That is, just 1% of subordinates. Of these, 263 taxpayers have completed the relevant procedure to date.

The government has indicated that it will proceed with “corrections” if “injustices” are identified in the issue of self-employment tax. This is expected to be finalized in the coming weeks and if there are findings that will certify the need for changes.

#Priority #reduce #cost #living



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