Prioritize the marketing of graphene-free masks | handles

In April 2021, Canadian authorities withdrawn from the market several references of FFP2 protective masks containing graphene on the basis of a potential pulmonary risk linked to the inhalation of graphene particles. These same references having also been distributed in France, in particular to health professionals, the French authorities have suspended the distribution of these masks pending a risk assessment by ANSES, seized by the Directorate General of Health. .

Following its expert appraisal, the Agency emphasizes that the available data does not reveal any worrying exposure situations. However, it is impossible to assess the health risk associated with exposure to graphene, due to the lack of information on graphene used by manufacturers and on the toxicity of this substance, especially in the long term. Furthermore, the Agency notes that the objectives targeted by the manufacturers due to the addition of graphene in the masks are neither expressed nor demonstrated. The Agency also notes that the Canadian authorities lifted the suspension of references in the summer of 2021 after analyzing additional data provided by the manufacturer.

Following this expert appraisal, ANSES recommends that the public authorities favor placing on the market or making available graphene-free masks.

To manufacturers and marketers, the Agency reminds them that they have the responsibility to guarantee the safety of their products for consumers. This responsibility includes that of providing all the data allowing the exact nature of the materials used to be judged, and to demonstrate their usefulness in the product and their harmlessness under normal conditions of use, both for consumers and for the environment.

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Consult the DGCCRF website to find recommendations for manufacturers and consumers

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