Prioritize schools to reduce vulnerability and emergency care

2023-04-29 10:50:14

36 schools in the province of Islay have been considered by the Ministry of Education through the Vulnerability Reduction and Emergency Disaster Care program for the current year 2023.

In this way, the prioritized educational institutions will receive technical assistance through the Local Coordinator of PDEVAED Juliana Quispe Contreras of the UGEL Islay.

It is about “Population and its means of livelihood protected from the occurrence of hazards of natural origin and induced by human action”, for this reason and prior evaluation, those that present some type of risk have been considered: earthquake The Educational Institutions of Mollendo, Cocachacra, Dean Valdivia, Islay, Mejía and Punta de Bombón have been considered.

Tsunami Mollendo, Dean Valdivia, Islay, Mejía and Punta de Bombón schools. volcanoes Mollendo, Cocachacra, Dean Valdivia, Islay and Mejía. mass movement Mollendo, Cocachacra, Dean Valdivia, Islay, Mejía and Punta de Bombón.

#Prioritize #schools #reduce #vulnerability #emergency #care

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