“Princess Diana Sausage Incident: Unbelievable Story Goes Viral”

2023-04-28 18:31:19

Olga Novikova

54 minutes ago

The incident happened at lunchtime.

Hetty Osma – sales manager, decided to have a snack at work. She brought out fresh ham and toast. Looking at the pack of sausages, she broke into a cold sweat. The Englishwoman simply did not get the sausage into her mouth. The woman began to run around the office with a pack of ham, scaredly demonstrating the unusual to her colleagues. The office staff at first did not understand what was the matter, but looking at the pink texture of the meat product, they were very frightened.

The thing is that the image of Princess Diana herself was visible on the sausage.

The office staff photographed the amazing find, and Hetty ate only toast for lunch. She plans to keep the beautiful sausage as a keepsake.

#British #scared #office #face #Princess #Diana

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