Princess Anne, daughter of Elizabeth II, breaks the silence: “I had the chance to share the last 24 hours of her life”

Five days after her death in Scotland, the remains of Queen Elizabeth II landed in London on Tuesday evening, where she was greeted at Buckingham Palace by her son Charles III. An impatient crowd waited outside to pay their last respects to the one who reigned 70 years and whose funeral will take place on Monday at Westminster Abbey in the British capital.

The Royal Air Force plane, which was also on board Princess Anne, daughter of the Queen, and her husband Tim Laurence, landed under particularly gray skies around 7:00 p.m. (6:00 p.m. GMT) at Royal Airport. Northolt Air Force.

Princess Anne, who also came out of silence on Tuesday, September 13. The daughter of Elizabeth II has published a moving press release. She confides to having lived the last 24 hours of her mother in her company.

“I am very lucky to have been able to share the last 24 hours of my beloved mother’s life. It has been an honor and a privilege to be able to accompany her on her last journeys. To witness the love and respect shown by all of you on these journeys has been moving and overwhelming. We will all share memories. I thank each of you who share our pain. We may have remembered how much we took for granted his presence and contribution to our national identity. I am also very grateful for the support and understanding you offer to my brother Charles, who has just taken on his responsibilities as Monarch. To my mother, to the Queen, thank you”, said Princess Anne.

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