Prince Harry reveals he killed 25 people while serving in Afghanistan

Prince Harry reveals in his memoir that he killed 25″taliban“when he was hired as a helicopter pilot in Afghanistan, having to consider his targets as “chess pieces“, as learned in training to be able to shoot, reported the Telegraph on Thursday.

The youngest son of King Charles III spent 10 years in the British Army, with two deployments to Afghanistan, in 2007-2008 for 10 weeks, then as a helicopter pilot in the south of the country from September 2012 to January 2013. He resigned in 2015 because he might not return to the field.

In his book “The Alternate“Published next Tuesday but which some newspapers have already obtained a copy of, the prince says he learned in his training to kill enemies and that it was part of his job:”We shoot when needed, take a life to save a life“.

According to the Telegraph, he says regarding his second deployment that he might count the number of his victims thanks to the cameras on board his Apache helicopter. “It seemed essential to me not to be afraid of this number. So the number for me is 25. It is not a number that fills me with satisfaction, nor that embarrasses me.“, writes the prince. He says he considered these victims as “chess pieces“removed from the game, as intended by his training because it is impossible to kill a target”if we consider it as a person“. “I had made it my goal from day one never to go to bed doubting that I had done the right thing, that I had shot Taliban and only Taliban, without nearby civilians“, he assures.



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