Prime Minister: “Factories will not close unless I decide personally.”

2024-08-14 10:24:00

host Dr. Mustafa MadboulyPrime Minister, today, Wednesday, cabinet meeting New Administrative Capital Government District; this is where some important documents and topics are to be discussed.

The Prime Minister noted at the beginning of the meeting that the Egyptian government places the industrial sector and supports its various activities on its priority agenda, establishing strong partnerships with the private sector and economic development partners, out of the state and government’s trust in the industrial sector. The critical importance that the industry represents and the engine of growth that we at this stage are counting on to lead… are noted in this regard President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi holds meetingPresident of the Republic; in the past days; followed up on the efforts to implement the National Industrial Strategy, which proposed the axes and phases of its implementation, aiming to urgently advance Egyptian industry and maximize the optimal use of the various industries existing in Egypt capabilities, as well as unleashing the capabilities and energy of the Egyptian and foreign private sectors to achieve the strategic goal of transforming Egypt into a developed regional and international industrial hub.

In this context, Dr. Mostafa Madbouly explains: President Sisi At this meeting, he directed the government and the Industrial Development Ministerial Group to continue strengthening. In order to strengthen the localization process and technology transfer of Egypt’s promising industries, with the participation of the private sector and strengthening its role, the government will do its best, together with the national ministries and relevant authorities, in order to achieve the desired goals, Improving Egypt’s industrial competitiveness In the local and foreign markets, the government will also work hard to study the problems and challenges faced by the struggling factories and find unconventional solutions to provide aid and assistance in the functioning of these factories. Thanks to Team Engineer Kamal Alva Kamel Al-Wazir, Deputy Prime Minister for Industrial Development, Minister of Industry and Transport, thanked him for his efforts in this regard.

In the same context, the Prime Minister stressed that no industrial facilities will be closed except at his personal decision and that factories will not be inspected individually, through individuals or by inspectors of the relevant authorities, taking into account the obligation to pass inspections during this period , the Ministry of Industry has set up a committee, headed by the Chairman of the Directorate General of Industrial Development, with members including various ministries and relevant authorities.

On the other hand, the Prime Minister noted the need to continue efforts… Oil and gas exploration and developmentThis is achieved by leveraging the Egyptian Exploration and Production Portal, the first digital platform to attract investments in the research and exploration sectors, aiming to expand digital bidding in various exploration sectors and increase the level of attractiveness of the financial system.為了更具競爭力並能夠吸引國際公司,為了吸引更多的公司並鼓勵現有公司進行新的投資,他還被授權繼續努力增加新能源和再生能源的發電量,這表明他正在遵循定期使用此document.

On the other hand, Dr. Mustafa Madbouly assigned the Minister of Environment to coordinate with the Minister of Youth and Sports to harness the energy of youth in the implementation of tree planting projects in some provinces, using proposals submitted by civil society organizations. The way the environment affects and helps develop the energy of youth, the importance of planning in this regard, starting with the provinces with the highest rates of air pollution.

On economic affairs, the Prime Minister directed the Economic Group Ministers to adopt preferential measures in attracting capital transfers, thus attracting more foreign direct investment flows that are characterized by greater stability and the ability to achieve many benefits for the economy. Compared with indirect foreign investment, the most important thing is to develop management systems, train workers and improve export levels.

During the meeting, the Prime Minister expressed his sincere congratulations to the three athletes who represented Egypt at the Olympics, carrying the Egyptian flag and achieving an achievement that we as Egyptians are all proud of. Multi-medals, therefore guidance… The president called for a comprehensive assessment of the performance of all sports federations participating in all competitions.

In this context, the Minister of Youth and Sports, Dr. Mostafa Madbouly, directed sports and youth institutions to strengthen the sponsorship of talented and athletically outstanding youths. In addition, it is necessary for sports federations to develop clear plans to ensure that Egypt Outstanding youth in sports qualify. Participate in various regional and international sporting events.

#Prime #Minister #Factories #close #decide #personally



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