For information, the value sharing bonus has been established in order to strengthen the purchasing power the French. This in the but to replace the Macron bonus. It will remain valid for a specified period.
What is the Value Share Bonus?
Forget the Macron bonusfrom now on, this device resulting from the bill “purchasing power” becomes the PPV.
For those who still don’t know, this bonus is intended toinduce employers to offer a sum of money each year to their employees. The PPV has replaced the Macron bonus since the beginning of July 2022, until December 31, 2023.
(Women’s Journal): #Prime #Macron 2022-2023: condition, payment, up to 6000 euros? : PRIME PURCHASING POWER. To support the purchasing power of the French, the “Macron bonus” renamed “value sharing bonus” is…
— (@titrespresse) September 21, 2022
As we have already been told, the PPV is an annual additional bonus. However, be aware that companies are not obligated to submit to this new project.
As the Department of Labor has pointed out, PPV is not an obligation. It’s rather “a premium exempt from all social security contributions payable by the employee and the employer, as well as other taxes, contributions and contributions due on the salary”.
This premium can be paid either once or Many times per year. It is paid in particular, at most, once per trimester. It is also important to know that the PPV must not be substituted with the salary or any element of remuneration.
Who can benefit from this bonus?
As mentioned above, these are mainly companies that are affected by the PPV. The employers who can pay them to their employees are the following:
- All employers under private law, associations, unions, etc. Self-employed workers such as traders and the liberal professions are also included.
- Public establishments of an industrial and commercial nature (EPIC) can also offer a bonus to their employees. This is the case of RATP, Opéra de Paris or even INA.
- This premium also affects public administrative establishments. The only condition: they employ staff under private law, such as Pôle emploi for example or ARS.
Prime Macron between 3000 and 6000 euros: who can claim it? #Economy ????
– Le Figaro Economy (@Figaro_Economie) July 7, 2022
The conditions to be fulfilled
Employees must also meet certain conditions pour be able to touch the PPV. Employees to whom employers pay the bonus can be:
- Employees who have signed an employment contract with the company where they work
- temporary workers
- Public officials reporting to a public institution
- Or employees with a disability who have signed a contract for support and assistance through work, as specified by Les Échos
Furthermore, in accordance with the purchasing power bill for the summer of 2022, the premium is exempt from social and tax deductions. This was already the case for the Macron bonus.
However, this exemption is only valid for employees whose income is less than 3 times the minimum wage. Thus, for those who receive more than 20,147.40 euros each year, the aid is therefore not not exempt.
How much will employees get?
As a reminder, the Macron bonus with exemption amounted to 1000 euros, with ceiling. For this year, following a decision voted by the deputies of the National Assembly, this amount reached 3000 euros.
#BuyingPower | Against the rise in prices, the State acts: by allowing employers to pay their employees a bonus exempt from all social security contributions ➡
– Ministry of Solidarity (@Solidarite_gouv) September 10, 2022
The PPV can even rise up to 2000 to 6000 euros for certain companies. This is particularly the case for companies that signed a profit-sharing agreement last year.
Employees who officiate in companies employing no more than 50 people also benefit from this large sum. Same for 2nd line workers, provided there is a commitment upgrading measures.
It’s also important to know that in 2022, as The Internet user revealed, the PPV can reach up to 8000 euros. Thus, an employer who has already paid the old bonus with a ceiling of 1,000 euros can pay it once more since August.
It is therefore for this reason that it is worth 8000 euros. Indeed, if we add the old and the new version of the premium (2000 euros + 6000 euros), this is equal to this huge sum. Something to spoil the beneficiary employees.
Changes in 2024?
Even if the value-sharing bonus seems planned until the end of 2023it might however continue until 2024. However, there are modalities to follow.
The Macron bonus, Value Sharing Bonus (up to 6000 euros), paid by employers, renewed until December 31, 2024 (but without IR until 31/12/2023) via @GuideEpargne
— Savings Guide (@GuideEpargne) September 27, 2022
First of all, the payment of the bonus must be possible for all employees. Then, as in 2022, the exemption employers’ social security contributions and salaries will not affect the CSG and the CRDS. The income tax exemption is also abolished.
Finally, the aid will be subject to the social package under the conditions applicable to profit-sharing for companies that are liable for it. Note that the maximum amounts of 3000 euros and 6000 euros will remain the same in 2024. Just like the conditions for benefiting from the PPV.
Types of company bonuses
In reality, gratification is not that different. Both are all employee volunteer salary supplements. However, if the bonus represents a kind of reward that employers offer to employees who have performed well, the bonus may be an obligation.
Indeed, the gratuity is used if the employee has spent 308 hours or more in the company. To calculate it, just calculate the number of hours actual presence of the trainee.
In addition, there are several types of’aides that an employer can pay to his employees. The risk premium, for example, is paid to some people. Those who take risks in their job (use of dangerous products, etc.)
There is also the seniority bonus intended for employees having officiated in the business for a long time. Then there is the vacation bonus which finances the employee’s vacation. Or the basket bonus, wedding bonus and the 13th of the month. However, overtime is not included.