Primal Fear: Alex Beyrodt, Tom Naumann, M. Ehré, A. Jansen out – RockHard

As Alex Beyrodt (g.), Tom Naumann (g.), Michael Ehré (dr.) and Alex Jansen (b.) in a joint Statement They split from PRIMAL FEAR due to internal differences within the band. However, there was no bad blood. The four musicians’ statement reads:

“Dear fans and friends of PRIMAL FEAR,
we unfortunately have to inform you today that Alex Beyrodt, Tom Naumann, Michael Ehré and Alex Jansen, who helped us on bass for the last two years, are no longer part of the band PRIMAL FEAR. Triggered by decisions within the band that we do not agree with, this step was anything but easy for us to take. We would like to make it clear that despite the differences of opinion, there were no arguments or bad blood. We would like to thank you for the time we spent together, the numerous albums, the tours, shows and festivals that have taken us around the world together, and of course for the love of the fans. We wish Mat and Ralf all the best for the future!
Alex, Tom, Michael and Alex”

PRIMAL FEAR themselves changed their Profile pictureon which only the remaining members Ralf Scheepers (v.) and Mat Sinner (b.) can be seen, have not yet made any statement on the situation.



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