Prilly Latuconsina’s story when she was desperate to make her lock herself in her room

JAKARTA, – Role artist Prilly Latuconsina bluntly ever wanted to end his life because he felt pressured inbully.

Prilly said this while talking to Denny Sumargo.

However, Prilly had something to think regarding when she had suicidal intentions.

Read also: Confess Prilly Latuconsina Ever Wanted To End Her Life Because Netizens Bullied

“I am his son slinky Yes, so at that time I wanted to kill myself but… this was made a funny comedy film,” said Prilly laughing, quoted by from YouTube’s Curhat Bang Denny Sumargo, Thursday (11/8/2022).

“Oh my God, I want to die but it hurts, what are you doing yes? if you are afraid of blood Maybe you can take mosquito repellent if you don’t die from a sore throat, think regarding it first,” added Prilly.

At that moment, Prilly felt hopeless. He even locked himself in his room.

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“Only when I was young, at that moment I didn’t leave my room for four days, my mother cried,” said Prilly.

“Continue to be afraid to look at Instagram, which holds my assistant,” said Prilly.

But as time went on, Prilly managed to get past that unsavory moment.

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Previously, Prilly explained the reasons that prompted her to want to end her life like bullying until the news that is not true that leads to him.

“Yeah, that’s because I’m an indifferent person and never take care of my appearance so that it becomes cumulative, in-bully problem fashionthe news that exists even though they don’t know the news,” said Prilly

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