Priest throws papers and “reads” clothes inside a church

The priest introduces himself as Father Christoforos and welcomes the faithful inside the church, in order to tell them their future in a room with a king-size bed, television, fireplace, kitchen, bathroom and all the comforts, according to Mega. Then, the door closes.

“I only tell them in secret. I tell them in secret. Don’t let anyone know. Close the door” the priest can be heard saying in the video.

Here is the dialogue:

Priest: Cut three. Four is a big door. Both are diseases. Is anyone sick?
Customer: I’m looking now.
Priest: You are looking for disease. You have low blood pressure though. Something about your pressure maybe? Is it true?
Customer: I take pills. For the pressure I get, yes.
Priest: And that’s why I say. For your pressure you have something. Drink some lemon. Do you drink lemon? When it catches you?
Customer: No. I don’t drink lemonade.
Priest: Because it lowers the pressure, you see.

It “reads”… clothes

The rasophore explains his “art” and reveals that in addition to fortune-telling, which he calls “wisdom of numbers” he can solve spells, but also read… clothes.

Priest: I deal with numerology. I don’t deal with papers. I deal with numbers. The seven of spades shows hours – hours some child is going through love bitterness.
Customer: So you look at the numbers?
Priest: I look at the numbers. Yes. With numbers I see everything. I don’t see them through the papers. Paper helps me with numbers. That’s what your papers say. Yes, yes. And I read and do and show. Exorcisms, magic solutions, anything in the way, diseases, etc. I will tell you what to do and you pay. Wish I read which has a… I will do speech therapy on yourself first, with one of your clothes, you will also bring one of your clothes to succeed in something and I read. I do exorcisms. Prayer for exorcism to leave evil.
Customer: I have a related cousin.
Priest: Well, yes. Bring her here so I can line her up.
Customer: Are you still operating?
Priest: Working yes
Customer: Are you of the Old Calendar?
Priest: And I am of the Old and I am of the New.

The fortune-telling continues, the deck is dealt again, with family and financial matters coming to the table. With some basic mistakes that he corrects along the way, through the teeth.

Priest: Three times (cut). Does your son have green eyes?
Customer: I don’t have a son.
Priest: Does the son… or daughter have greens? Does she have a son-in-law? With green eyes?
Customer: Groom? No I haven’t.
Priest: What? A face with green eyes enters your house. He will enter. It is an erotic element. We’re getting a good face for your daughter here. Later… And you expect to get money? You get some money. A property. Are you paying for it? Do you own a property?
Customer: I have a property. Yes.
Priest: Near the sea?
Customer: Yes.
Priest: Well, it turns out well.

Now certain that his victim has been convinced of his gift for reading the papers, he proceeds without hesitation to the more personal matters.

Priest: Your husband?
Customer: Fine. God bless you.
Priest: Is he dark?
Customer: Yes, yes.
Priest: What does it have to do with a car?
Customer: He works with cars.
Priest: Works with cars. So you see, how do I see? Good kid.
Customer: You found it.
Priest: Well, yes, I say what the paper says. That’s what it says. The two sixes are external. Who is abroad?
Customer: My husband is from abroad.
Priest: Aaah… and joy comes out of your husband. George who is it? John…;
Customer: My husband!
Priest: Your husband. His name is George.

25 euros in hand

The visit lasts about ten minutes. Two shufflings of the deck, two cuts in three. And finally, it’s time to pay… In hand. And the tariff should range from 20 euros and above. Depending on the degree of “difficulty”.

Customer: What do I owe you?
Priest: I get a 25 ari. 30 and 25… in there I get.
Customer: I have 25.
Priest: Bring these. Be well. Thank you very much. Whenever you want, you will come with one of your clothes. If you have someone you care about who has a health problem and so on, let’s talk and do something.
Before the end of the visit the priest did not forget to remind the woman not to tell anyone about the papers, except for people very close to her who might also want to visit him. And thus, word of mouth, the faithful flock to this particular temple, looking for hope.

Ms. Maria, the victim of the fortune-telling priest spoke to Live News and, as she says, the church is located on the Holy Road and is operating normally. In fact, many women and men go.

“There was a line of 7-8 people waiting when I went,” he says, adding that he visited the priest because he has a serious health problem. “All I saw was mockery and nothing else. I was hanging on his lips about whether my cancer has been overcome,” says Ms. Maria.

“I learned about the priest through word of mouth. He also read my hand. He told me things that are not true, such as that I have three children, that I live by the sea. Generally other things besides the fact that I have cancer”, he adds.

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#Priest #throws #papers #reads #clothes #church



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