Prices of food commodities in the exhibitions of Welcome Ramadan.. Infograph

Ministry poses Supply And internal trade, led by Dr. Ali Al-Moselhy, Minister of Supply, all food commodities at “Welcome Ramadan” exhibitions at reduced prices to reduce the burden on citizens, in implementation of President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi’s directives to provide all food products at all times, and to secure a strategic stock of all basic commodities.

The Ministry of Supply announced the prices of some commodities in the exhibitions that were opened, as white rice is offered in exhibitions Welcome Ramadan 5% breakage rate at 15 pounds per kilo, rice 3% breakage rate at 18 pounds per kilo, loose rice at 12 pounds per kilo, flour 15 pounds, tuna 15 pounds, oil 750 ml at 35 pounds, local meat 130 pounds, and the price of A kilo of sugar from 14.5 to 16 pounds, and the ministry is expanding in establishing a large number of these exhibitions in each governorate, with a minimum of 5 exhibitions, according to the directives of Dr. In conjunction with the consumer complexes, mobile cars, and outlets of my association for those who wish to subscribe to them, in addition to setting up a corner in each commercial chain under the name “Welcome Ramadan.”

On the other hand, the Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade decided to increase the rates of pumping food commodities into the outlets of consumer complexes and branches of companies affiliated with the ministry in various governorates of the Republic, as well as providing meat and poultry products in large quantities at discounted prices in light of the existence of a strategic stock of goods sufficient for several months, as directed by Dr. Minister of Supply The Holding Company for Food Industries is constantly pumping out commodities products.



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