​Prices continue to rise in April

Tahiti, May 27, 2022 – The consumer price index rose by +1.1% in April, marked by the application of the Solidarity Contribution, mainly in furniture and equipment household (+5%) but also in food products (+1.6%). Over one year, the index rose by +5.8%.

The Institute of Statistics (ISPF) published Friday the evolution of the consumer price index in April, marked by the entry into application of the Contribution for Solidarity (CPS). A CPS whose effects on inflation have not necessarily yet been fully felt, since it did not yet apply to products in stock ordered before 1is april. According to this latest report, the price index nevertheless increased by +1.1% over one month, especially in the division “furnishings, household equipment and routine maintenance of the house” (+5%), but also on “food and non-alcoholic beverages” (+1.6%), transport (+1.4%) or division “housing, water, electricity, gas and other fuels”.

Over one year, between April 2021 and April 2022, prices increased on average by +5.8%. Food and non-alcoholic beverages increased by +7.2%, those of housing, electricity, water or gas by +6.5% and those of transport by +6.25. And conversely, the market for “communication” once once more pulls this price index down. Prices there fell by -10.9%.



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