Price and validity of the Cuban passport in August 2024

At the end of July, the Cuban parliament discussed and approved new laws on Migration, Citizenship and Foreigners, introducing several changes in the use of the Cuban passport. What were the main changes? The validity? The price?

The laws debated in the National Assembly of People’s Power of Cuba announced modifications in the use of the Cuban passport both for citizens within the country and for those abroad.

Access to passports for descendants of Cubans was also facilitated and the procedures for foreign citizens to obtain one were simplified.

As for the use of the Cuban passport, there were not many significant changes. Cuban citizens residing abroad must continue to use it as an identity document when entering the national territory.

This means that Cubans with dual nationality will have to continue entering the island with their Cuban passport and not with that of their second nationality.

An additional option is that Cubans living abroad can enter the country only with their new passport and nationality, renouncing Cuban nationality. Would you do it?

Cuban passport price in August 2024

One thing that has been made official is that ordinary passports will be valid for ten years. This change applies both to Cuban citizens who request it for personal reasons and to those residing abroad.

In addition, the annoying extension, which only represented an extra expense for Cubans abroad, was eliminated once and for all.

Foreigners with “significant assets” or intentions to invest in the country will now be able to apply for permanent residency, an option that was previously only available through marriage or having recognized children.

Children of grandchildren of Cubans abroad will also be able to access Cuban passports and citizenship.

Until August 2024, and even after the new laws, no changes have been announced in the price of the Cuban passport.

Although costs and related taxes were discussed, the price of the passport remained the same. Currently, the official cost of a Cuban passport is 180 euros in Europe and 180 dollars in the United States. In Cuba, it remains at 2,500 Cuban pesos.

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