PRI proposes 6 years in prison for sexual harassers The senator Eruviel Avila Villegas presented an initiative to punish with 6 months to 3 years in prison whoever commits sexual harassment in public spacesand that it can reach up to 6 years in case of recidivism, or that it is carried out once morest people from vulnerable groups.
“As a man and father of a family, I cannot remain indifferent to these events, which are repeated throughout the country without being punished,” he said.
“These are offensive phrases, looks or caresses, which are often suffered in silence and seem to be invisible to the eyes of others, even when they happen in public spaces.”
The bill, she explained, consists of reforming the Federal Penal Code and the General Law on Women’s Access to a Life Free of Violence, because although some states have made some efforts, the federal criminal law does not criminalize sexual harassment. in public spaces.
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“We are proposing that whoever performs this behavior for the first time a sentence of 6 months to three years in prison and a fine of 20 to 80 days.
“But in case of recidivism, or when the harassment is committed by two or more people, once morest minors, older adults, people with disabilities and people who do not have the capacity to understand the meaning of the act, we leave. to double the sentence, that is, it can reach 6 years in prison”, he stressed.
Eruviel Ávila explained that a recent UN Women report indicates that, worldwide, 35 percent of women have ever experienced physical or sexual violence by an intimate partner, or sexual violence perpetrated by a person other than their partner; and some national studies show that the proportion can reach 70 percent of women.
The senator said that there are already experiences in countries such as Chile, Peru, Panama and Costa Rica, as well as entities such as Mexico City and Puebla, which have created laws to punish this type of behavior.
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“That is why from the Parliamentary Group of the PRI, we propose these modifications to strengthen the actions of prevention, attention, sanction and eradication of sexual harassment in public spaces”, he indicated.