prevents the growth of cancer cells

prevents the growth of cancer cells

MEXICO CITY.- Nature provides a wide variety of foods that not only satisfy the palate, but also promote health and well-being.

One of the most notable is the saramuyoalso known as sugar apple, which is very similar to the custard apple.

Its harvest season starts in February and ends in early November. The fruit, whose name derives from the mayaTs’ almuy“, has an intense sweet taste. It belongs to the family Annonaceae and is native to the Antillesthe group of islands in the Caribbean Sea.

This beneficial tropical fruit has nutritional and medicinal properties that help prevent cancer and provide iron, vitamin C, protein and phosphorus.

Called “manjar blanco”, it is characterized by its rounded shape, which ranges between six and ten centimeters in diameter, and its covering of green scales.

Its white, sweet and highly nutritious pulp is the edible part. It is used in the production of a wide variety of products, from liqueurs and ice creams to desserts and syrups.

What are the properties of saramuyo?

Saramuyo is an excellent source of essential nutrients for the proper functioning of the body. Among the nutrients it offers are iron, vitamin C, protein and phosphorus.

prevents the growth of cancer cells

These elements not only contribute to better overall health, but also help to prevent a variety of problemsincluding rheumatism, gastrointestinal, respiratory and renal.

One of the most notable aspects of saramuyo is its potential in cancer prevention. According to the Mexican government, the extract from the seeds of this fruit has antimicrobial properties that can help inhibit the growth of cancerous tumor cells.

This discovery has sparked great interest in the scientific and medical community, which continues to investigate the matter.

Benefits of consuming saramuyo

  • Strengthens the body: It is an excellent source of iron, which makes it an ally to combat anemia and strengthen the circulatory system.
  • Combats respiratory and joint problems: Thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties, regular consumption of saramuyo can help relieve respiratory problems and joint discomfort.
  • Prevents anemia: Due to its caloric content and richness in iron, it helps prevent anemia by providing the energy and nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body.
  • Decreases pain: The alcoholic extract of the leaves of this fruit has analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce pain and inhibit the production of substances responsible for the sensation of pain.
  • Helps fight cancer:According to the Mexican government’s health portal, this fruit could have antitumor properties, thanks to its bioactive compound, which is anonaine, and its antioxidant content, which includes polyphenols and alkaloids.
  • Control blood pressure: This fruit is rich in potassium, a mineral that helps increase the relaxation of blood vessels, allowing blood to circulate more easily and helping to lower blood pressure.
  • Promotes weight loss: Thanks to its low calorie content and high fiber content, it helps increase the feeling of satiety.
  • Strengthens the immune system: Due to its vitamin C and antioxidant content, it helps increase the body’s defenses.

Read: Benefits of walnuts; how many should you eat a day to lower cholesterol?

#prevents #growth #cancer #cells
2024-07-26 00:44:30



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