Preventive Cardiovascular Disease Screening for Women in France

2024-03-21 05:16:00

Because each year cardiovascular diseases are responsible for 76,000 deaths in France. Because 8 out of 10 deaths could be avoided. Because these diseases are progressing.

For all these reasons, the largest cardiovascular disease screening operation is back on the road.
Until tomorrow (Friday) you can take stock of your health and benefit from a 10-step screening.
The Bus welcomes women in need of cardiovascular and gynecological screening.

200 women die every day from a cardiovascular accident in France

Thierry Drilhon is the co-founder of Agir pour le cœur des femmes: “Remember these figures: 2 is the number of women who will die from a road accident. 33 from breast cancer; and 200 of cardiovascular disease, while in 90% of cases we could prevent women from developing the disease…”
It’s a one and a half hour screening program; with the meeting of professionals and the possibility of carrying out different analyzes and controls”.

So, ladies, don’t wait any longer, don’t postpone these appointments!

Don’t miss the shocking Agir Pour le Cœur des Femmes campaign. Really take 1 minute ICI

Free, upon prior registration on 06 10 71 31 35 until March 23.
A Health – Well-being Village is accessible to all from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

#Ladies #care #health #Womens #Heart #Bus

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