Prevention meeting for 45-50 year olds! Health on the Net

2023-08-21 08:00:34

A few days before the ministerial reshuffle, François Braun, then still Minister of Health, announced the start of prevention meetings from 1is October 2023. The first prevention appointments will be intended for people aged 45 to 50. Explanations.

Three prevention meetings at key ages!

The Social Security financing law for 2023 established three prevention meeting at three key ages in life:

  • Around 20 years old (between 18 and 25), between adolescence and adulthood;
  • Around 45 years old;
  • Around 60 years old.

The High Council for Public Health (HCSP) recommends adding a fourth key age: around 70 years old.

Each of these age categories is associated with specific health risks, justifying the interest of a dedicated prevention appointment. If subjects aged 45-50 will be the first beneficiaries of these prevention appointments from the end of 2023, the other two age categories might benefit from the system at the beginning of 2024. The objective of the appointment prevention is to have a complete and free health check for all French volunteers. If French people who are far from the health system and/or in a precarious situation are the first targets of this system, all French people in the age group concerned can benefit from it. They will be informed by Health Insurance of the possibility of making an appointment.

A complete and free health check-up

Different actors will also be able to direct people far from the health system to these prevention appointments. Before the appointment, those interested will fill out a detailed questionnaire on their health and their lifestyle (diet, physical activity) favorable or not to their health. The prevention appointment can be made with different health professionals :

  • A doctor, if possible the general practitioner who coordinates the care of the patient;
  • A midwife ;
  • A nurse ;
  • A pharmacist.

A large number of health areas can be addressed and discussed during this meeting:

  • Food;
  • The practice of a physical activity;
  • sexual health;
  • Possible addictions.

Each subject will be discussed taking into account the person’s age, but also their mental health and personal situation.

An update on vaccination and cancer screening

These prevention appointments are part of a broader health policy, aimed at strengthening prevention and health education in France. Each beneficiary will be able to obtain advice and information for improve your health and so reduce the risk of many chronic diseases : diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, cancers, …). Depending on the case, the healthcare professional may, for example, direct him towards smoking cessation support, towards nutritional and dietary monitoring to adopt a healthier and more balanced diet, or even give him advice on how to be more active and less sedentary. daily.

The prevention meetings will also be an opportunity to update on vaccinations and on organized screenings for certain cancers. At 45, it’s time for a dTP (Diphtheria-Tetanus-Poliomyelitis) vaccination booster. Between the ages of 45 and 50, screening for cervical cancer continues in women. Finally, people aged 45 to 50 must be informed of two cancer screenings, from the age of 50:

  • Organized screening for colorectal cancer through a test carried out at home every two years between the ages of 50 and 74;
  • Organized screening for breast cancer in women, with a mammogram every two years between the ages of 50 and 74.

Estelle B., Doctor of Pharmacy


– Deployment of prevention appointments. Accessed July 31, 2023.
– Prevention appointments to enable each citizen to become an actor in their health. Accessed July 31, 2023.

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