Prevention campaign launched due to alarming number of childhood burns

Asunción, IP Agency.- The National Center for Burns and Reconstructive Surgeries (Cenquer) begins a prevention campaign against the alarming number of childhood burns at home, especially in the kitchen. They urge you to be careful with the electric jug, one of the devices with which the most accidents are recorded.

Cenquer, dependent on the Ministry of Health, promotes a burn prevention campaign, with emphasis on children, due to the high percentage of this population group that suffers accidents at home.

The announcement of the campaign was made this Friday, during the commemoration event held for the Latin American Day for the Prevention of Burns, which is celebrated every October 26, in which the Vice Minister of Comprehensive Health Care, Santiago García, participated; the director of Cenquer, Saúl Zaputovich; Deisy Grau, medical director of Cenquer; Bruno Balmelli, president of the Ibero-Latin American Burns Federation and specialist doctor at Cenquer; as well as officials, patients and family members.

Balmelli highlighted the importance of taking extreme care and educating families about safe practices at home, including the placement of pans and the use of appliances such as the electric jug. The campaign seeks to reduce accidents in minors, raising awareness about how to prevent burns.

For his part, the vice minister said that he seeks to draw the attention of parents, since 70 percent of burns occur in children under five years of age. Preferably, they are accidents that occur in the kitchen, hence the need to take precautions to avoid these carelessness that end up harming minors.

“A second can mark the rest of your life”

Hot water, mate, hot foods and direct fire are the main causes of burns in children. “We ask parents to redouble their efforts, to prevent children from playing in the kitchen, to be careful with electrical outlets, especially when they have children who are starting to walk,” Balmelli noted.

Likewise, he gave practical advice to be applied at home, such as using the back burner to avoid exposing children to fire in the kitchen, keeping the handles of the pans facing inwards and being careful where flammable substances are stored. .

“Among all the burns that we see every day here in Cenquer, the biggest problem we face is a device that has become very fashionable in recent years, which is the electric jug. Generally, the parents heat the water, the cable is very long, the children come and hang on it and get burned,” he said.

For this reason, the request is made to caregivers, parents and those responsible for children to “be very careful”, applying these measures, and to know that a second can mark the rest of one’s life, the Ministry reported. of Public Health.

#Prevention #campaign #launched #due #alarming #number #childhood #burns

**Interview: Addressing Childhood Burns in Homes**

**Editor:** Today, we have ⁤the privilege of speaking with Dr. Bruno Balmelli, president of the Ibero-Latin American Burns Federation and a specialist at the National Center for Burns and‌ Reconstructive Surgeries (Cenquer). Recently, Cenquer launched a crucial campaign to raise awareness about preventing childhood burns at home. Thank you‍ for joining us, Dr. Balmelli.

**Dr. ⁣Balmelli:** Thank you for ‍having me. It’s⁢ a pleasure to share⁣ this important information.

**Editor:** To kick off, ⁣can you give us an overview of the current situation regarding childhood burns in Paraguay?

**Dr. Balmelli:** ⁣Certainly.‌ Unfortunately, we are witnessing a significant number of childhood burn incidents occurring at‍ home, particularly in⁣ the kitchen. Many accidents involve common household appliances, like electric jugs, which ⁢pose a risk to young children. Our campaign⁢ aims to ​address this⁣ alarming trend by educating⁤ families on safe‍ practices.

**Editor:** ‍What specific strategies is Cenquer implementing in this prevention campaign?

**Dr. Balmelli:** We are⁢ focusing on‌ education and awareness. The campaign emphasizes proper placement of hot items such as pots ⁣and pans out of reach of children,⁢ careful use of ⁤electric appliances, and⁢ general safety practices⁤ in the kitchen. We are reaching out through community workshops, social media, and informational materials to equip parents with the knowledge they need to protect their children.

**Editor:** Why is it particularly important to focus on October 26th, the Latin American Day for the Prevention of Burns?

**Dr. Balmelli:** ⁢October 26th serves ⁢as a reminder of the ongoing need to ⁢address burns, particularly‍ in vulnerable populations like children. It brings together healthcare providers, ‍families, and communities to foster collaboration and advocate ⁣for burn prevention‍ measures. Events on ⁤this day highlight the ‍need for vigilance and education year-round.

**Editor:** What message would you like to‌ convey to parents and caregivers regarding this issue?

**Dr. Balmelli:** The key message is ​to‍ prioritize safety in ​the home. Small precautions can prevent⁢ devastating accidents. We urge parents to take proactive steps,​ reinforce safety measures with caregivers, ‌and have conversations with their children about potential hazards as they grow. Awareness ​is the first step⁤ to prevention.

**Editor:** Thank you for sharing your insights, Dr. Balmelli. We appreciate your time⁢ and the ​vital work⁣ that ‍Cenquer ‍is doing to keep children safe.

**Dr. Balmelli:** Thank you for the opportunity to raise awareness about this important issue. Together, we can make a difference in preventing childhood ‍burns.

And caregivers with the knowledge they need to keep children safe.

**Editor:** That’s vital. You mentioned that 70 percent of burns occur in children under five. What can parents do immediately to mitigate these risks in their homes?

**Dr. Balmelli:** Absolutely. First and foremost, we advise parents to always keep their children out of the kitchen while cooking. Placing hot items on the back burners and ensuring that pot handles are turned inward can significantly reduce the risk. Also, it’s crucial to be mindful of electrical cords; keeping them short and out of reach can prevent accidental pulls and spills. Lastly, we recommend storing flammable substances out of reach of children to avoid potential disasters.

**Editor:** Those are practical and actionable tips. In your experience, what common misconceptions do parents have regarding kitchen safety for their children?

**Dr. Balmelli:** One common misconception is that children can be trusted to stay away from hot items and appliances if they are just told to do so. Unfortunately, young children are naturally curious and can easily forget warnings, putting themselves at risk. It’s crucial to create a physical barrier between children and dangerous areas or items in the kitchen to protect them effectively.

**Editor:** In light of this initiative, what role do you think community involvement plays in successfully reducing the incidence of childhood burns?

**Dr. Balmelli:** Community involvement is essential. When communities engage with the campaign, sharing knowledge and experiences, we create a collective awareness that enhances safety measures. Through partnerships with local organizations, schools, and healthcare providers, we can amplify our message and ensure it reaches all families across different socio-economic backgrounds, ultimately fostering a safer environment for our children.

**Editor:** Thank you for these insights, Dr. Balmelli. As this campaign rolls out, we hope it makes a significant impact in preventing childhood burns in Paraguay, and we appreciate your dedication to this important cause.

**Dr. Balmelli:** Thank you for the opportunity to discuss this pressing issue. Together, we can make a difference and keep our children safe.

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