Preventing Zika Virus and Dengue Fever in Bangkok: Expert Tips and Measures

2024-01-02 10:28:00

General 2 Jan. 2024 17:282024-01-02

Mrs. Lertluck Leelasawang, Director of the Medical Office (MD), Bangkok, spoke about proactive measures to prevent the spread of Zika virus disease. Dengue fever and Aedes arthritis (chikungunya) and diseases that are carried by Aedes mosquitoes in the Bangkok area. To classify disease groups according to symptoms and prepare the surveillance and control system for the spread of Zika virus disease. Dengue fever Chikungunya (chikungunya) is a disease that is carried by Aedes mosquitoes. By detecting disease and diagnosing it quickly according to the diagnosis and treatment guidelines of hospitals (hospitals) under the BMA in order to reduce the severity of disease illness. which may lead to death. Guidelines and measures for prevention and control of dengue fever have been established. By eliminating the breeding grounds for Aedes mosquito larvae. Hospital and surrounding communities Provide knowledge about eliminating breeding grounds for Aedes mosquito larvae. Protecting yourself from mosquito bites and illnesses that require medical attention for those who receive services in Hospital and surrounding communities The hospital communicates health risks to the public through various online media to increase access to information and increase health awareness.

as well as diagnosis and treatment of Zika virus infection. Dengue fever Aedes arthritis (chikungunya) and diseases that are carried by Aedes mosquitoes Including receiving and referring patients from public health service centers. Bangkok if you have a high fever for 2-7 days and have anorexia, nausea, or a rash or bleeding spots on the body, arms, or legs and the symptoms do not improve. You should see a doctor immediately. for proper diagnosis and treatment The prevention that people can do is to collect garbage and clean the house. And take care of water containers so that they are not breeding grounds for mosquitoes. can put sand Or bacteria that kills larvae and prevents Aedes mosquitoes from laying eggs.

In addition, the EPPO has implemented measures to prevent Zika virus disease. Dengue fever and Aedes arthritis fever (chikungunya) and diseases that are carried by Aedes mosquitoes by having every hospital under its supervision survey and inspect spots with standing water and eliminate Aedes mosquito breeding grounds within. Hospital and the area surrounding the hospital, including the community health work group assigned to the area to organize campaign activities to educate the people receiving services and personnel under the supervision about diseases caused by Aedes mosquitoes. How to protect and methods for surveying and eliminating breeding grounds for Aedes mosquitoes. As well as coordinating with the area office to provide fogging services to eliminate mosquitoes in the area surrounding the hospital, the public is advised to follow the 5 P measures to prevent infectious diseases carried by Aedes mosquitoes, including (1) tightly closing container lids (2) releasing Fish eat larvae. (3) Change the water in containers that cannot be closed. (4) Improve the environment so that it is not a breeding ground for mosquitoes. (5) Do this regularly every day. To eliminate Aedes mosquito eggs

At the same time, the risks were communicated to the public about protecting themselves from mosquito bites, such as using spray cans to spray away adult mosquitoes. Use mosquito repellent Apply mosquito repellent lotion and observing important symptoms that require medical attention Especially in groups at risk if they are sick with dengue fever, they will have severe symptoms, such as the elderly. group of young children Pregnant women and people with chronic diseases such as obesity. If family members have a high fever, avoid buying medicine to take yourself. If necessary, use paracetamol. Do not use NSAIDs such as ibuprofen, aspirin, or diclofinac painkillers. Because of this group of drugs May result in increased bleeding. If you have symptoms of illness, please see a doctor immediately. Or see a doctor via Telemedicine through the “Doctor Bangkok” application or ask for more information at Health hotline Bangkok News Agency, call 1646 24 hours a day.

Origin: Bangkok

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