Preventing the Occupation in Ghajar: Hezbollah’s Call for Action and Lebanon’s Demand for Liberation

2023-07-06 10:08:15

Hezbollah called on the authorities and the Lebanese to “take action to prevent the consolidation of this occupation, to cancel the aggressive measures it took, and to work to liberate this part of our land and return it to the homeland.”

On Thursday, Hezbollah condemned the Israeli forces’ establishment of a barbed wire fence and a concrete wall around the town of Ghajar, calling for action to “prevent this occupation from being established” in the town, part of which Lebanon demands.

After the Israeli withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000, the cease-fire line drawn by the United Nations, known as the Blue Line, established the northern part of the town in Lebanon and the southern part in the Syrian Golan, occupied by Israel since 1967.

But in the July 2006 war between Hezbollah and Israel, the latter reoccupied the northern part of the town, and Lebanon has been demanding it back since then.

During the past few days, Israel finished building a fence around the town, which the Lebanese Foreign Ministry considered “an attempt to annex it by the Israeli occupation.”

In a statement on Thursday, Hezbollah denounced the Israeli forces’ establishment of a “barbed fence and the construction of a concrete wall around the entire town,” which led to “separating this village from its natural and historical surroundings within Lebanese territory.”

The party added: “The occupation forces imposed their authority completely on the Lebanese and occupied parts of the town and subjected it to its administration in parallel with opening the village to tourists coming from inside the Zionist entity.”

Hezbollah described the Israeli measures as “dangerous”, and considered that “this major development is the complete occupation of the Lebanese part of the town of Ghajar by force of arms and the imposition of a fait accompli therein, which is not just a routine breach of what the occupation forces are accustomed to from time to time.”

Hezbollah called on the authorities and the Lebanese to “take action to prevent the consolidation of this occupation, to cancel the aggressive measures it took, and to work to liberate this part of our land and return it to the homeland.”

On Tuesday, the Lebanese Foreign Ministry denounced Israel’s attempt to annex the northern part of the village, “in clear violation of Security Council Resolution 1701,” which was adopted by the UN Security Council and ended the July 2006 war.

The Foreign Ministry called on all concerned international parties to “pressure Israel to refrain from its provocative steps,” and held it “responsible for any escalation that may occur as a result of these serious breaches of stability and the status quo.”

#Hezbollah #condemns #Israels #construction #barbed #wire #fence #border #town #Ghajar



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